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Posts posted by brewery-railways

  1. Does Fox Transfers do 08 Number's? As I'm starting to lose patience with waiting for Railtecs reply, I know they say they are busy but I have been waiting since March, maybe it's because my names not Pete Waterman.

    Are you looking for transfers for a BR blue Class 08? As I posted here some weeks ago, you can get a complete loco set from Railtec made specifically for the Dapol loco custom made for your loco number and depot. Look at Product code: 7mm-C0804. Just go to Steve's website and order, there is a few days wait whilst he makes them.


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  2. Shove a PayPal thing through...


    There is a flaw in the organisation. Names that come through on orders bear no relationship to all your user names on RMWEB, so all I can do is make sure everyone gets them.....


    (There seems to be a vast number of 08s out in the wild!)

    OK will do. Can I also put my name down for two sets of guard irons. I will add those to the PayPal payment.


  3. All I would then need to source are lifting eyes....


    With thanks,





    JLTRT will send you some. Laurie charges £2.50 per sprue if I remember correctly


  4. Right folks.....


    I've done two batches this far.....


    Price, UK. Inc postage 1 set £5, 2 set £9, 3 set £13


    PayPal to giles@gilesfavell.com including your address please....!


    These are as fitted to my loco, and include drilling jigs for front and back window (each set has three wipers of each size)


    I will dispatch in the order they've been requested.

    Hi Giles

    Do you want paying now or when we receive our orders. Not sure where I am in the queue.


  5. I could do ten sets of wipers (3 of each type) and drilling jigs as a batch at this stage. I think it would be £5 Inc postage (uk)


    But I would want to send them out as a batch.... so if there are a few orders out there....


    You would need a 0.6mm drill to fit, using a pin vise or similar, rather than an electric drill.


    I put the smallest smear of superglue on the blade and push it onto the glazing to ensure it remains in contact.

    Paint before fitting is easiest.

    Hi Giles

    Can you put me down for 2 packs please


  6. Hi all,

    Firstly can I start this post with an apology to Steve at Little Loco. I've just re-read my post from this afternoon and it did come over harsher than I meant to, and for that I apologise, although my sentiment about everyone's money should be equal still holds.  Im also sorry if this has turned into a 'backlash' - that certainly wasnt my aim, I was just somewhat annoyed with the way it appeared to be going.  I was not in anyway trying to wind people up.



    Thanks for your reply Steve, although it might have helped if you had said that to start with - your original post said "We are offering a crowdfunded model of a Class 50" I took 'we' to mean Little Loco - and by crowdfunded I expected you were using Kickstarter or the like, which I would happily use and have done in the past and expected a link to follow.  Your second post at 12:34 then said "The Class 50 crowdfunding project is a social media exclusive at the moment" - there was no mention of other parties just the basic fact .. if your on Facebook you get in, if not, its a higher price and sod you was the way it came over.  There was no mention that it was a joint project that is apparently almost full on the earlybird options.



    I am confused here, on your previous reply you've said "It would be unfair of us to take away models from those who have contributed and supported the idae from the beginning" now your saying actaully nothing has been done and no models have been allocated, and if you enroll in Facebook you can still get in on the ground floor.


    Hang on - again, im not trying to cause an argument here - but on one hand your saying they're almost all gone and it was faster than expected, then your saying well actually no they haven't all gone, because not one has been allocated - so this isnt about being unfair, its simply saying we want to deal with those on Facebook, and those who are on rmWeb, other sites or monitor the Little Loco website, we're not interested in you at the moment. 


    Again - not causing an argument but you cant say one thing, then reverse it totally.  Either they all have interest and the pre-orders are just about full, or there's no pre-orders taken yet.  Am i the only one seeing that the coin is being flipped both ways here? 


    Perhaps it might have been better not to post info out on rmWeb if you didnt want people applying??



    Hi Mike,

    I agree with your comments entirely, the difference is that most people treat those channels equally and in todays IT world it is easy to point stores, phone, ecommerce, social media etc to the same webpage to express interest if the seller wishes to - the difference that was originally suggested by Steve's post was that this was a Little Loco project we want to tell you all about, oh but despite us telling you its happening if your not on Social Media you can't do anything.  Thats not managing expectations, that is bad planning in my view - and ive run large and small marketing campaigns in the past so Im not just talking out the back of my head. 


    Others have commented about not being on Facebook, or being loyal customers and having other LLC products - so the whole thing is a slap in the face for loyalty ... and from what I can see there was an awful lot of that when Steve was starting - BUT dont get me wrong, I think that loyalty was well placed, the products were delivered and the quality is amazing. I wouldnt wish to detract from that in any form.  Just saying the whole announcement has hasnt been well managed, maybe the whole thing has run-away, but better communication would have done wonders to an audience who wants to support those willing to stick their necks out and take a chance to produce something that benefits a lot of us.



    Hi JB,

    Yes I agree - but equally as the old saying goes, thats being wise after the event - The first two posts from Steve didnt mention anything of the other party, nor that everything was purely verbal at this stage ... as somebody said earlier, communications could have been better, but the fact is - as it stands backed up by Steve's own post ... there's no models allocated, and if anyone wants to get in on the ground floor, you need to be on Facebook - which is saying as company we are simply not interested in you if your not.  Sorry if that sounds harsh, but there is simply no other way to explain it, thats Steve's words "if you want in - there's still time to register on Facebook".  A lot of us dont want to do that.


    Personally (and it seems im not alone) I just feel very let down at the whole way this one has been approached, from a small company that I had such high expectations of and above all trust in.  One can only hope that if the feedback on here is read and taken on board, that thought is given to how to manage people's expectations of future projects,  However, at that point I've had my say, and I have had the opportunity to reply to the responces raised. I DONT want this to be seen as a campaign against Steve, the company or the project, its not in anyway, so i'm going to shut up and say no more at this point.


    Can I just say finally, i do wish Steve all the best with the project and I hope it works for those involved.



    I've got to agree with Richie (and others) on this. I too am not on social media and never intend to be so I am very disappointed that Steve has chosen this route to market his products. Perhaps I'm naive but I didn't think that any social media platform was intended as a business outlet! By all means let SM users point others to appropriate websites, as Richie states, Kickstarter or its ilk are where you go to crowdfund a project.


  7. Steve,


    It depends which page of which version of the decoder manual to which you are refering. I've seen 'max' values fluctuate over the years from 2200uF to 5000uF. There are often more than one max figure quoted in the same manual.


    Direct guidance from ZIMO is that supercaps are OK provided that the voltage seen by the caps is regulated at 16v max. The dialectic strength is the important factor rather than the size of the capacitance.


    MX645R and MX645P22 (PluX decoder as used in the Class 15) have in-rush current control and voltage regulation built into the decoder. That's why you don't need expensive add-on boards with additional circuitry to use caps with many ZIMO decoder types.


    As a matter of interest, such an array will be fitted as standard to the next in line Ruston 48DS to ensure smooth and trouble free operation of such a small wheelbase 0-4-0 model.


    I've been using similar set ups for years.


    EDM models fitted them to Ixion Fowler and Minerva Peckett sound-fitted models.


    You can even get them into the cab of a Bachmann Class 08. Exceptional running characteristics, but unfortunately a bit of a squeeze for the driver. LOL.


    As Norman says, the duration of running after losing DCC signal can be controlled via CV153. If the decoder does not detect a track power source within this duration, the model's motor will be stopped.


    Kind regards,



    Thanks for the info Paul. I'll have a go with some 2.7V supercaps.


  8. Yes, I have, though as Brossard says, it's probably not really necessary.


    Someone seems to have thought when designing the PCB that modellers might like to do this so you will find solder pads on the PCB specially for connecting Stay Alive capacitors, 'CAP +' and 'GND'. Couldn't be simpler.


    Of course, being ZIMO, the decoder is already equipped with the necessary circuitry to manage stay alive caps. The decoder in this model also has voltage regulation to limit voltage to the caps at 16V, so you can use any caps from 16v upwards.


    I've used 6 x 2.7v 1F supercaps wired in series to give 166,666 uF, but then, I will be using this during my sound demos at shows (Lincoln this weekend) so I need the 'belt and braces' assurance of trouble-free running this gives me.


    Kind regards,




    'You're gonna need a bigger towel'


    Interested to know that you have connected such a large capacitance. As I understand it from the manual, Zimo state that 2200uF is the max.


  9. Has anyone discovered a way to put crew in the cab?

    Seems to be a closed compartment and I am reluctant to proceed without a plan to avoid damage.


    I notice that the break out board provides solder pads for capacitor+ and ground, that's really excellent, no need to solder to the decoder on this loco or to the pins but actually provided on the board. That's a first as far as I know in UK RTR manufacture.


    Hi Norman

    There was some discussion earlier in this thread relating to getting figures into the cab. Items from  Modelu seemed to fit. I was speaking to Rob at Northumbrian Painting Services https://www.paintinghistory.co.uk/ on Saturday and he is going to produce some figures especially for the Dapol 08. When I get them I will report back.


  10. Hi could someone please tell me where you can get this decoder and sound files from has I'd like to purchase two for my 08's.



    Digitrains. No connection, just a satisfied customer. It's also worthwhile buying the Zimo double speaker set that Jeremy recommends.


  11. I'm a DCC user, so the next step is to decide what sound decoder and speaker to order.




    Can only recommend the Digitrains Zimo MX644D and the Paul Chetter sound... Just the best of the bunch...

    Trust me you won't find anything currently on the market that beats it..

    Enjoy your 08



    Hi HeavyDuty

    Can only second Lodekka on that. Not only is the sound exellent but the way the sound files are linked to the throttle - well what can I say - you 'drive' the loco.


  12. Steve

    Gentle scraping with a fairly blunt screwdriver tip. Thanks for the compliment: you haven't seen the other side! Suffice it to say that you won't until I've redone it.


    Thanks Jeff

  13. Christmas present to myself-collected from Hattons new premises last thing on Thursday. Very pleasant and efficient service, honouring the pre-order price of £169.96, and a far cry from the original shop on Smithdown Road with Norman Hatton in his brown 'housecoat' offering 'Service with a Scowl' !

    Unnumbered green with chevrons, now numbered as D3038, an Oxley engine for many years. Nose ladders have been removed-unlike other people I found that mine did not disintegrate. BR totems moved to toolboxes and yellow Route Availability circles on cabside. a la Western Region. I think I still may need to replace some of the handrails on the bonnet sides and still can' make up my mind on the black cab roof/ bonnet top, they don't look right in black but am unsure whether or not they should be green.

    attachicon.gifIMG_9997 - Copy.JPG

    Weathered and with vacuum pipes removed and replaced with better looking home-made ones. Runs beautifully slowly straight out of the box. I have made windscreen wipers from bits of scrap etch for the rear windows, the front windows didn't have any on this loco (based on a photo I found on Flickr) so I have removed the wiper motor covers from the cabsides, I think that area needs a little more neatening with wet-and-dry.

    In the background D3752 is an MMP kitbuilt model, the only major difference I can discern is that the Dapol cab is slightly wider and shorter. Congratulations to Dapol on a lovely model.


    Another question for you Jeff. How did you go about removing the BR totem from the bonnet door? Looks a neat result mate.


  14. Hi all

    I have  my 08 green with wasp stripes and many thanks to lodekka for his instructions on stripping it down .i have the cab separted at last and can start thinking about sculpting a crew.Could anyone  steer me to photos of a shunter/2nd man   traveling  on the front steps ,It would be a great help .

          One problem I do have is I dont seem to have a small parts bag .I have the speaker  ring  bag but nothing else .Anyone tell whats in it .Vac pipes I assume .I will have to contact Hattons ..Its been an interesting few days on here .Pecketts ,B12's and 08's ,and promise of a Wisbech tram .


    Neither of mine had a small parts bag and the same goes for the other 8 purchased by my fellow club members. Not aware there should even be one.


  15. Interesting to note that all Dapol artwork relating to the yellow radiator has been removed from the Dapol Digest Site today and artwork has been replaced with actual photos of the DCC Supplies photos showing the revised black radiator (all smoke and mirrors).

    The original artwork was still on the Tower website this morning. Also the DCC website has shown a black radiator for a long time now.


  16. I removed the numbers with gentle use of a sharp scalpel and then a quick rub down with cream cleaner,


    Rgds Andrew 

    Thanks Andrew. One of the guys at my club had a guess at that but was not sure as he couldn't work out how the numbers had been applied. We were worried about using any type of solvent based fluids in case they damaged the paintwork.


  17. Has anybody re-numbered their 08 yet? I was wondering what way people were removing existing numbers with least/no damge to the paintwork.


  18. That's great news - I have the Sentinel in my 4mm Hornby model and it's fantastic - I shall order one suitable for my Class 02 from Digitrains

    I agree, good news for an interim (hopes) solution. I too have an 0 gauge 02 waiting for a suitable sound file to become available. Will give this a try.


  19. I am intrigued as well for all the un-numbered versions, black/green/blue, since obtaining suitable HMRS sheets - steam era I suppose for the black and BR blue for the others - will be £20 a pop. Current 7mm users will probably have sheets to hand but it does make the ready numbered ones seem better for anyone not particularly bothered by the actual number.





    BR did use smaller numbers on blue 08s for the most part. Standard loco numbers were 8" high, but 08s (and other shunters) used 6" high.


    The exception being some ScR depots/workshops which used 10" numbers on mainline locos and 8" for 08s for a period.

    I have been in contact with Steve at Railtec. He can now supply 08 number sets at a size specific for the Dapol model. Ordered mine yesterday.



  20. I've purchased one of the Heljan waste oil tank wagons which is missing the air pump and pipework that were added to these wagons. Ex-Esso 3777 became ADB999074 - the same number given to Heljan tank - is now at the Northampton & Lamport Railway. Guess they used it as their prototype.




    There is a picture of the pump end of the wagon that unfortunately does not really show too much detail.




    I did contact the N&LR about obtaining a close photograph but they have never responded. Does anybody live near to the N&LR or will be visiting shortly who can photograph the pump in close-up and post a pic here?

    Hi All

    Found some more pics of ADB999074 on Andy Jupe's blog.






    • Like 1
  21. I've purchased one of the Heljan waste oil tank wagons which is missing the air pump and pipework that were added to these wagons. Ex-Esso 3777 became ADB999074 - the same number given to Heljan tank - is now at the Northampton & Lamport Railway. Guess they used it as their prototype.




    There is a picture of the pump end of the wagon that unfortunately does not really show too much detail.




    I did contact the N&LR about obtaining a close photograph but they have never responded. Does anybody live near to the N&LR or will be visiting shortly who can photograph the pump in close-up and post a pic here?


    Thanks in advance if anybody can help

    Steve Young

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