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Posts posted by tombothegreat

  1. Is there any hint of a possible release date for the Class 143 in FGW livery yet?
    Sorry if this has already been covered.
    It literally astonishes me the complete ballsup that is going on with FGW liveried trains across all the model companies atm.
    It's one of the most widely used in the South and South West.

    Bachmann have released several versions of the 158 in Regional Railways livery not to mention the 150. Yet nothing in FGW livery apart from the 43 in FGW and the crappy 142 in FGW that Hornby did.

    Bachmann are meant to be doing a 150/2 yet they have no idea of the release date and have been waiting what feels like a age for a update on this venture.

    Please let me know chaps if you have ANY info on FGW liveried trains in 00.



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