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Enterprisingwestern last won the day on January 8 2014

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About Enterprisingwestern

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    Down there or up here, depends.

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  1. A working model of a loco bursting through a wall would be an interesting first, a la Lostock Hall or Barrow Hill! Mike.
  2. Yes. I had some magazines like that. Mike.
  3. Something set in a for(r)est? Mike.
  4. Apologies, I thought you would have been aware of him, John Brighton; https://steamlinesheffield.wordpress.com/millhouses/ Although I am unaware of contact details. Mike.
  5. I don't know the diameter of the Bachmann stub, I chuck the evil things away, but I would be very surprised if there isn't a tube suitable in the Plastruct/Evergreen range, or even Biro tubes as used by Pete Hill, and they would be a better material than 3d print stuff. Mike.
  6. Doesn't the Sonic Screwdriver come with a Sonic Tape Measure?!! Mike.
  7. Apologies to Wayne for the thread snatch! On the subject of link wires, the EMGS turnouts use .030" wire. Mike.
  8. Definitely, but how many can assemble it better than the Hornby or Bachmann rtr version? Mike.
  9. I thought that was the point of industrial backwaters, cramped for space, shoehorning trackwork in? Mike.
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