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Posts posted by Whitcan

  1. A quick question please.  I am increasing the number of Infrastructure movements on my layout, based in the Drome Department.  Researching track machine liveries, I was taken with the TSO branded ones but, given that TSO is Travaux du Sud-Ouest, what is their sphere of operations?  Is it nationwide, as I have seen references to works in Paris?  Would they operate in the Lyons area?


    Thanks in advance for your help.



  2. I have been enjoying creating some more bespoke items of Infra stock to run on Venterol-Rousset.  It is amazing how engineering works on the line allow a wide variety of services to be run at an exhibition that would otherwise be single units interspersed with the collection/drop off of a van!  I would say up front that these are not perfect replicas, just interpretations based on online research and photographs - my main interest is BR 1980's-90's.  I just wanted something to remind me of enjoyable French holidays.


    First up was the creation of some 'bungalows' as loads for otherwise bland flat wagons.  These are based on a Busch building site container based office kit.  They were clad in plasticard, with windows designed and cut using a Silhouette cutter.


    The first has simple removable coverings over the windows:






    The second had a blind arrangement within the window frames:



    In the picture that I was working from, one of the blinds had got stuck.  Well that just had to be modelled:




    Finally, a shot of one of them on the layout:


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  3. As I start on the transition work to allow Pottendorf to also be Venterol-Rousset, I need some information on the interior of the type of station building in the photo, so that I don't have a clear view through from front to back.  It is a work in progress based on those that were present on the Pierrelatte - Nyons branch.  Does anyone have any photos or plans that may assist, please?  Any help gratefully received. 




  4. Thanks for the replies. I couldn't get a realistic speed with any adjustments.  Even the lowest settings possible were at mach 2.  Same with a German V218 for the German version. 


    The BB66000 has gone and a Vossloh replacement sourced. That works absolutely fine.  The chip from the 66000 is now in a Jouef Autorail and with the same settings it hardly moved. A tweak and it is operating right as rain. Who knows?


    Never mind, the roster of locos for Venterol-Rousset is almost complete. Just need a Y8000. I picked up a Roco loco on ebay in the hope that I could hard wire it but that doesn't seem possible, unless anyone knows better?  If so, please let me know!



  5. I am looking for some opex from you.  I picked up a Piko BB66000 loco when in Paris on business last year. The shop fitted an ESU chip and the loco was tested. It obviously needed to be run in but seemed ok.  However, now that I am in a position to get it running on the layout,  having had it running for a while on a rolling road, the loco still only has two speed settings: Off and Rocket!  I am using ROCO Multimaus but it is the same on my friend's Digitrax system. 


    I have a similar issue with a Piko DB V218 loco.  I have heard that there can be a problem with Piko locos but has anyone else experienced this issue? More importantly, is anyone aware of a solution?  If not,  I think it will be off to Ebay as it is totally useless for exhibition running on DCC but seems ok on DC.


    Thanks in advance for any help.




  6. Gents


    Many thanks for your replies.  Very helpful.


    I have been playing around with the suggested fonts to replicate a photo of Villelaure, as this is a good example of what I want to achieve.  To my mind the Eurostyle font was the closest, an opinion backed up by my resident member of the public!  It is the shape of the 'U' that makes the difference.









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  7. I do find it frustrating that subscribers miss out on all of these offers. Perhaps I will have to cancel my subscription and pick the magazine up from a local newsagents if it is worthwile. 

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  8. The Dovington Camp article was a surprise, as I had no idea that it was to be published. The content is an edit of the original BRM article from Dec 2016. There are a few mistakes in the edit, which is a little frustrating but the use of some different photos is pleasing.


    The layout was out at the Erith club's Longfield show last weekend and was well received.  This was the first of many for the layout this year as it goes on manoeuvres across the country:

    - Apr 27 - Fareham

    - Jun 29/30 - Exeter (TBC)

    - Jul 27/28 - Railex NE

    - Oct 19/20 - Newark Show Ground


    Hopefully, this will give people a chance to see it in action.   Please come along and say hello.



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