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Posts posted by deltic56

  1. As regards to the Australian with the "rare" Princess loco follow this link and it may explain a lot




    ta ok pls see this link ,http://www.dutchhrca.nl/priceguide.htm#PrincessElizabeth :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

  2. I agree. A clearer listing and photograph, and a seller who knows what he has would be very helpful. If its OO, then it is seriously overpriced. If it is O, it may be a bit under priced.

    There is no way this can be a Hornby O gauge as it was nevre in BR green. It is a damaged 00 version.

  3. A further reply from this seller:


    "hi works fine i can not see anything missing . r u shore it the right one as do you have pick on what it should be like , thanx for your input "


    Is Asnieres twinned with Cartmel?


    No the model is based on a PROTOTYPE used by the DB in the sixties to reduce costs on branchlines. Brekina have made an Ho working model. So not every strange item [ to our eyes ] that appears on Ebay is "expensive" tat just because people do not know the prototype.

  5. Actually the term " Code 3 " has been used for years in the die-cast fraternity before ebay was even thought of. I believe it started when Matchbox Models of Yesteryear were repainted/altered to be different from the bog standard factory finish jobs.

  6. Bay size is even more of an issue when you go to the supermarket and have to park in the bay next to one of those dirty great dodgems. You just know that when the driver returns she'll throw the door open bang right into yours! I've had a few scrapes and bumps in supermarket car parks next to these things!



    Had that last week on the way to change the car. Her excuse honest ---- did not see you I had my umbrella up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    luckily there was no mark on the car and the salesman did not try to make out there was one there which was`nt there before etc. I will not say what i nearly called her and said to her but the anglo saxon vocabulary was running through my mind.

  7. That is something which irritates me greatly but alas the 'dump & run' syndrome seems to be getting worse. However in Reading I understand that the Parking Wardens are now patrolling car parks and ticketing any car which touches, let alone crosses over the white lines marking the sides of the parking bays - smashing idea that, good way of raising cash for the council as well in theses straitened times.


    Slight problem with that -- I swear some councils make the bays small on purpose to get more cars in----- or forget that cars are generally wider than they were say 5 to ten years ago . Being of a cynical nature I feel that number one is possibly the main reason. <_< <_<

  8. No date on the Bachmann website, so effectively we are looking at 2012.


    Please remember that the current Bachmann catalogue covers releases for 2011 AND 2012.


    The catalogue actually only covers the FIRST three months of 2012.not all of 2012. Next years catalogue will bne 2012 to 2013 ie March 2013 to March 2013

  9. The size of the prototype http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2453/3915317983_bbded26e87.jpg (Yes, that's a standard brake van on the far left, to give an idea of scale!)... Maybe Hornby forgot to carry a 1 somewhere when doing the measurements? :D


    The models/locos in the Thomas books were based on the two locos at Par or Falmouth docks I believe. They were constructed to such a small size/loading guage due to the very restricted clearances there. So it appears Hornby did NOT drop a 1 when calculating the size of the models :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  10. As regards to the £750 HST he says he, was told that this was a "fair" price for this item, by whom he did not say. All I can say is I would not like to but anything from his advisor!!!!

  11. Me thinks that the decimal point is in the wrong place. Also have a look at his other listings a pair of Hornby Old style "Maunsell" coaches £49,95 PLUS £4.95 postage. as I say have a look a the whole list.

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