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Posts posted by 15A

  1. Interesting debate :0)


    Personally, I don't expect a 1:76 model to sound exactly the same as a 1:1 full size real locomotive, be it steam, or diesel. How could it? It would be totally 'unrealistic' to expect it to IMHO. However, again IMHO, a reasonable sound project recorded from an 'actual' locomotive beats the 'whine' of a five pole electric motor for me any day.


    IME, it's the layouts with sound that attract the most interest at exhibitions too. If layout 'sound' isn't your thing, then obviously I can sympathise with exhibitors who are spending spending 1-2 days alongside a sound layout.


    Let's face it, there will be people locked into the analog operation of layouts for many years to come, they don't see any benefit to converting to DCC, let alone running on board sound. 'Horses for courses' and 'live and let live' that's what I say, but in my world DCC and sound is the way forward, if that's not for you it doesn't bother me. :0)



  2. Hornby's sound fitted Castle, definantly the best steam loco in their range




    The sound file 'sounds' very good, but watching the film clip was a bit like peeping through the curtains! :D

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