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    Changing my era to late 1970s BR Blue London Midland region.

    Grew up with BR blue and the start of sectorisation (1982-86); based on what I saw living next to the York - Scarborough and Hull - Scarborough lines and my trips around the country during this period.
    Steam - those locos that put in appearances on the Scarborough Spa Express.
    DCC Sound.

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  1. Just watched 'To the Manor Born' on the Yesterday channel and noticed that at a scene at the local station the TV channel had blurred out an old Jimmy Saville British Rail poster!

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    2. Ozexpatriate


      If anyone deserves to be an unperson it's him, but anything doublethink makes me a bit uncomfortable.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I understand your predicament fully...

    4. JDW


      Ah, I wondered why the blanked out poster. That explains it!

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