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Blog Entries posted by SteveB

  1. SteveB
    Have been lurking around for a while, I thought maybe I should introduce my own foray in the world of model railways. Whilst this is not my first layout (I have been dabbling since a child, some plenty several years ago...), I have spent a few years - and then some - in the world of 'G' scale, 16mm live steam and dabbled in the 'ride on' world. So now I have come in from the garden so to speak back to the world of 4mm.
    I am currently in the process of building 'Woolacott Quay', which represents a small but busy harbour and station, set during the 1950's/60's. So whilst there is still some traffic, both harbour and railway are probably nearing the end of their working lives. Operations will centre around both freight (fish, grain, and other sundry cargo) and passenger, including holiday specials. this will hopefully justify the use of a variety of stock and locomotives without seeming too contrived. I have avoided trying to place the layout in any specific location in order to allow some flexibility in stock choices for an operating session - but their is an air of the West Country/Welsh coast to to the scenic elements, and most of my stock is of a Western/Midland region bent.
    The idea of the layout was to pratice/hone/discover various methods of doing things, and is very much part of grander plans, once I am comfortable with the many techniques involved. I am certainly discovering things are actually a lot easier to do than first feared, and I may even yet pick up a soldering iron!
    I'll go into details as time goes by, but here are a couple of 'taster' images of the far from finished station section. There3 platform faces, one long one for holiday traffic, one for local services, and a third that also serves as the reversing neck (?) for the quayside sidings. The platforms are set into the side of a hill, so whilst at ground level to the front (which is assumed to be the shore/cliff line) there is a retaining wall to the rear. I am trying to scratch build as much as possible, but I am not averse to serious/partial kit bashing, and have made some use of the modern ready built Skaledale buildings. I enjoy doing my own thing, but not afraid to own up to a bit of box opening where it suits!


    More as when I get round to it, but hopefully these give a flavour of what I am doing...
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