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Event Comments posted by relaxinghobby

  1. I was in the area visiting relatives and managed to get a few hours to visit the show.

    Home made cake nice and they served real coffee.

    I am not a N gauge modeller but when along to see what could be done in this scale.

    It seems to me if you model railways in N you are really a landscape modeller.

    The club mainly uses the modular concept of layout so they can build up a large display layout for the show.

    One modul was multilayer, it had an Underground tube station underneath the mainline trains passing above.

    Another module with just plain track crossing flat countryside, it's feature was that it  had a speedometer display showing how fast a train was going as it passed by.

    A Brighton Belle electric train seemed to crawl across the layout but was doing a scale 75 kph.

    I particularly enjoyed the Japanese layout, town on one side of the backscene, country on the other.

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