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Posts posted by mattog

  1. Received mine today and I must say full credit to Hornby for producing such a splendid model. The only criticism I have is for the packaging. The polystyrene tray makes removing and repackaging it a little nerve-racking given the fine detailed parts. And the tissue tends to disintegrate quite easily. It's not something you want to do that often. Having said that, the solution is to compress the polystyrene a little prior to sliding them back in - seems to work okay and saves you having to nervously wiggle them back in.

  2. .


    After this problem raised its head I THOUGHT I was happy as I had mine coach-pack on order from a Liverpudlian box shifter since last June - however it appears I was too late in my order.


    Yesterday I rang up the company and asked then to check.


    Just now (10:00 am Wednesday) I received a phone call back stating that they have been in touch with Hornby and that there will NOT be any further deliveries, and my order is definitely cancelled ! (IF it is re-released I will need to re-order it.)


    So, either Simon Kohler has it wrong, or he needs to get his people better informed.



    You ordered yours last June? You must be psychic! I had to wait until they formally announced it in January this year. Any chance you can tell what to be ordering in 2013? : )
    • Like 2
  3. So where does Hornby's new Unconverted Maunsell ex SR Open Second fit in? Was this one of the coaches prior to conversion and therefore shouldn't be seen together with the Pull Push pack? And how is it different to Hornby's other Maunsell coaches?

  4. Latest notification from Liverpool's 'Big H',... Train Pack R4534, ...Picked 'n packed....So, they're here, and on their way


    Rails are showing the Pull Push pack with M7 in stock but not R4534. I have the latter on order with Hattons but haven't been notified.

  5. One of the Leader's lesser charms was the fact that it didn't work well enough to ever enter service, hardly an encouraging sign for a broader market than that currently met by Golden Arrow.


    Then perhaps it could be a stationary model or supplied in bits as was its fate for much of its life. A DCC controlled burning fireman might be a nice touch too. As a side note, does anyone know what became of the shed plates and other bits? Same place those of the Blue Pullman went?

  6. I hope not - no offence - because if this sees the light of day then The Fell stands a chance. And at that point I lose the will to live.


    I'm with you with regards to the Fell but surely you're not lumping the Leader in with that ugly monster? I understand some Bullied's can be an acquired taste i.e: the Q1 but surely you agree the Leader has it charms? In fact, it's not far off a class 59/66 which I regard as one of the more interesting modern locomotives.

  7. There were murmurs of a commission a couple of years ago but that seems to have gone dead. What with Hattons, Rails, Kernows and others commissioning their own models, do you think any of them will ever see it in their hearts to do this somewhat obscure but none-the-less significant part of British railway history? Anyone?

  8. Ordered the SR green twin pack. Combined with the upcoming Hornby Horse boxes it should all make for some interesting formations. Though it gets a little tough on the wallet, i must say I'm very much appreciating the many special commissions on offer at the moment.

  9. In case previous answers have not made this clear, in respect of private individuals moving a riding horse on a train from 'anywhere to anywhere'. When actually in use to carry a hayburner for a passenger on the train, they could be attached to literally any suitable passenger train. Depending on the route and the working the box might be between loco and train, or on the tail end. The justification for a horsebox appearing in this way is essentially that there is someone who rides the horse in the box actually on the train. (As already observed the empties had to be worked empty back to depot, and ferried empty to point of loading, and both passenger and goods services were employed.)


    The way this typically worked as a service, was that the horserider gave notice to the station he intended to arrive at, for provision of a box. (I believe it was always the case that the rider had to be paying a first class fare for their journey, and then the horsebox was a supplementary charge.) Typically the notice required was 24 hours ahead of the planned service departure time; although at major locations with a large established box traffic it was possible to simply turn up and usually get a box put on a suitable service within a couple of hours. In the opinion of someone I know who utilised this service, what killed it off from the perspective of the rider were the increasing number of services from which horsebox traffic was barred. Quite simply a four wheel wagon was already unsuitable for the purposes of maximum express speeds in the 1920s, and increasingly the faster services as the decades passed would not convey horseboxes as a result. Building four wheel horseboxes in the 1950s was a decision right in line with churning out a quarter of a million of obsolete before construction 16 tonners.


    Not that this makes the model in any way less attractive...


    Yesterday I knew nothing about horse boxes, today I feel like an expert. Thanks for the info.

  10. Thank you very much I'd completely forgotten about the SEMG site and I use it all the time too lol


    Yes, it's a particularly handy resource, especially when one lives in Australia.

  11. No it wouldn't be unusual, horse boxes ran to move stock around on an adhoc basis so you can also add the Parkside GWR and LNER boxes to the mix as well. I'll be adding to the backorders too! :yahoo:


    Thanks for the info. And like would you usually see them coupled to the rear of a passenger express or branch service? Regardless, I'm thinking I'll put in an order today for the SR twin pack.

  12. I have a Prodigy Advance 2 and I run sound locos. What worries me is when a loco runs into an incorrectly set point and shorts. Rather than completely shutting down, the advance keeps applying bursts of power and you get that high pitched buzzing from the decoder. Surely this can't be good? I usually shut the unit off but it means i can't leave the room or stray too far from the controller.

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