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Everything posted by Fenman

  1. It does look good -- and Hattons have sent an email saying it will go up from £35 to £42 in the next day or so. Paul
  2. Fenman

    Peco OHLE

    According to that reliable source Wikipedia, the world speed record for 3rd rail is 108mph (174kph) held by a Class 442 Wessex Electric (set on 11 April 1988). OLE record of 500kph? How many miles of UK track are suitable for speeds even remotely approaching 500kph?! Paul
  3. Fenman

    Heljan class 17

    I had a dud Clayton from Hattons -- they've written to tell me the new chassis is in stock and attached a link to the Heljan "how-to" video. I replied that I don't even own a soldering iron, so what should we do? I mentioned again that the goods were clearly of unmerchantable quality, so should I simply get a refund from them. They have already replied telling me that of course they are happy to fit the replacement chassis for me, and I should post it 2nd class back to them, making sure I get a "proof of posting" slip. From that experience I figure they are on the case, but maybe have too many customers to deal with very quickly. I certainly wouldn't give up, though -- you have paid for a working model and you should either have that or a full refund. Good luck! Paul PS: I have also received one of the new batch of Claytons -- very smooth-running and very quiet (the original ones that didn't expire sound like a bag of spanners and take time to "warm up"). Delightful! If only the original batch had been like that. Still, it gives me confidence for the forthcoming BTH Cl.15.
  4. Coincidentally, only this morning I placed a pre-order for the green Class 31 (R2042A, of D5511) that Hornby are producing (not listed in the catalogue), due out in "December". Paul
  5. Three views of 37003 (D6703 as was) loitering outside the Locomotion museum at Shildon under very black clouds. I've just discovered its owners have commissioned Bachmann to produce a limited edition model of it. I lived by the Fen Line in the 1970s, and 37s hauled most of the InterCity traffic I saw. Happy memories! Paul
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