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Stu from EGDL

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Blog Entries posted by Stu from EGDL

  1. Stu from EGDL
    Hi Guys;
    Just off to Bristol show in a minute...
    Been beavering away this morning finishing off a couple of 60s and a Saltire liveried 156. I got the transfers from a bloke in North Wales and I cannot seem to get in touch with him again. Done it on a dummy unit in case I mucked it up. Next one will be a powered version...if I can get more decals!!!
  2. Stu from EGDL
    I'm working away at the moment and had a few spare hours this weekend. I rooted out a model shop in Lancaster CA, (Smith Brothers) and bought some plasticard and Plastic Weld. 15 minutes of cutting and glueing bodged up this freelance modern buffer stop. Not sure that the dimensions are quite right as I am several thousand miles away from my stock...but it looks in proportion. A coat of Rail Red and a plonk on a bit of track beckons when I get home, along with refining the design. From the money spent and the amount of plasticard bought, I reckon I can knock one of these out every 15 mins for very little cost. I reckon there is a gap in the market for a modern N Gauge buffer stop as the Peco ones are not really suitable any more for a modern railway..Comments, criticisms and brickbats to the usual address please!!!
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