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    Well, there's this stuff, and megalithic prehistory, and birds and trees, and Plymouth Argyle, and avoiding conflict and World Peace and wondering what else is over the horizon....

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  1. has decided to forgoe all contact with bright steel. I turn it to rust. So those Ultrascale discs will have to come out... and no more guitar string springs (sigh of relief there, truth be told...)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jan


      N15class, I've PM'd you. TimV; I've a suspicion tht the room I use is less than suitable for bright steel, and short of bunging a lot of money ata dehumidifier, am tempted to forgoe steel - or consider blueing.

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      If it's doing that to bright steel, what's it doing elsewhere? There is other steel around.

    4. Jan


      Hi Tim, It's OK with brass :) I honestly think it might be me being caustic and the room being slightly damp; it used to be a bathroom/WC, I think (added post-build) so it doesn't have a deal of wall insulation. I'm wondering about PB springs..

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