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Posts posted by redline41190

  1. It may well have changed (some bits probably did!) but mid/late 1950s 5080 was running with a Collett tender, had the original straight pattern outside steam pipes, the later pattern external sandboxes under the cab, original GWR type hydrostatic lubricators, and tapered front buffer housings. Appearance wise some of the other 'aircraft' series are nearer to 5053 as it comes from Hornby but not strictly accurate as from what I can find any which had been converted to later pattern outside steam pipes had mechanical lubricators and 4 row superheaters.


    I wouldn't worry about the tender as swops happened every time a loco was shopped (and sometimes between). The other differences from 5053 noted above are a matter of choice as to whether or not you are going to be pernickety on detail ..... and as you're not counting rivets you have your answer ;) .


    Well thats settled ;)


    Still waiting on Rails to see what they say about taking in some of my unwanted locos/coaches towards the price of Earl Cairns.

  2. That sounds promising.Will you be changing its idendity.


    I'll be changing mine to 5080 "Defiant" :)


    I don't know if the Hornby Earl Cairns is 100% correct for it but it will do for me, I'm no rivet counter ;)

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