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Preservation Modeller

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Posts posted by Preservation Modeller

  1. Just to put the record straight had email from Tracy at Rails stating that they had been closed for 5 days and because of staff shortages there were delays in answering Emails and sending out orders


    Thanks for posting that. That would explain why my Class 17 hasn't turned up, ordered Tuesday. More than happy to wait if that is the reason, although maybe if they find a delay like this to occur, a small post on the site might not go amiss... Just my thought is all.


    especially with split orders where they have rung me and told me i only need to pay postage once,



    Really? Wonder why I had to then? Not really complaining, but that postage could've covered my next big order! But, nonetheless, agree they are a good shop.

  3. Have only ever ordered from the once to date - not due to any problems I must stress, jsut lack of money to be able to do so :P

    Pre-ordered two Pullman carriages about 3 months before they finally came out. I don't recall anything being mentioned on the site about if you pre-order two items, when one comes into stock they will despatch that seperately and charge postage on both, otherwise I would have left a note saying save the first until the second has been delivered, which was about 4 days later....


    Still, very good service in my opinion, but I had the same problem about second hand items as an earlier poster...

  4. Have just found this layout, and must say I am AMAZED!!!


    The detail in your layout is superb! A variety of levels and alike make it stand out and I think that you've made a MARVELLOUS layout!

  5. This is something I will DEFINATELY be buying! A model I have long wanted, and resembles one of the original characters from the Thomas books (Boco.) Not that I plan to make it one though.......

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