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Status Updates posted by Stuart-AU

  1. Life is good, Cash under the bed, modeling cupboard full and starting a new layout.. Just ordered 16, 16ton wagons.

  2. Postie just delivered my new 2MT, just add a decoder and some couplers and had a quick run on my test llayout, WOW, very happy... Also recived 3 new coaches

  3. Is thinking of building a Midland Railway layout in EM..

  4. After a house move and no NET for the last 10 days.. I'm back.. what have I missed??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Cats and dogs now live together, its been mass hysteria!

    3. AndyB


      The Olympics are being extended to allow the Aussie team to catch up.

    4. 45156


      Well let's see SQL, SQL, SQL

  5. Last day online for a week or so while we move house.. I hate moving but then I can start the new layout.. WOW

  6. Just brought a BR 4mt and 3 shell tankers.. more roling stock LOL...

  7. LOL, I have more rolling stock then locos, will have to do something about that.

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      One coach per loco sure is fun to ride, I bet! :-D

    2. 69843


      How about two locos per coach?

  8. What loco too buy, 4mt or a 7f both in BR....

    1. Coldgunner
    2. aussiebrfan


      Both! Go on b naughty!

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      7f is a fantastic model I do have both & there both great runners :D get both just tell the wife you got 1


  9. What a total f$%#^$ at work... the day just dragged on and on and on.. Happy to be home and playing trains..

  10. is going too bed, night all..

    1. 69843


      Really must do the same *click*

    2. SHMD


      Give me just one more hour...

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      How I'd love to do the same right now...

  11. Just fitted some KD'S to my Bachmann rolling stock, Not 100% happy but they seam to work OK.. more testing I think.

  12. One more sleep, 400Km trip and then 2 days of playing trains.. life is good

  13. After 18 Months out of work, I HAVE a job... WOW

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. N15class


      Always good news

    3. Welly


      Excellent! I never forgot my 18months unemployment in the mid 1990s... soul destroying that was! Take your time to get the hang of your new job.

    4. Jon Fitness
  14. Need to buy somemore rolling stock... What to buy??

    1. 69843


      BR Mk1s, LMS PIII or LNER Gresley Suburbans.

    2. Stuart-AU


      NO, open wagons, few diffrent tpes of Vans and a few tankers.. will do this time, only have limited funds

  15. WOW, The last 5 days of training start tomorrow..

  16. Tracks all laid, wired, painted just need to get some ballast tomorrow and get it down.. Getting closer to running trains.

  17. Happy EASTER..

    1. 69843


      Darn, you beat me to it!

    2. SHMD


      Happy Easter everybody.

  18. I did it, I orders some rolling stock... So cheap, conpaired to the local hobby shop. $35.00AU for 1 Bachmann wagon. $110.00 for 12 via Hattons.. I win.

  19. 1am and I have school in 7 hours and it still too hot to sleep..

  20. HO HO Ho, life is looking fine, can't wait for my box of stuff from Hattons

  21. HI, looks like I can go back to modeling again.. WOW

  22. Just relized he can't build trains anymore, I'm just no good at it.

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