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Road Stone

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Posts posted by Road Stone

  1. Hello Brush47337,


    Have just noticed the pixs of actual red ballast. Quite amazing so I looked for more pixs of red ballast on the net and it would appear that red supports a lot of track around the world. You learn something everyday.


    By the way, where are more pictures? I'm close to starting mine and along with others anm grateful for the ideas I get from yours.


    Cheers, Jerry

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  2. Thanks for the kind words Roadstone + Unsoundmove + Poindexter


    Roadstone - I wanted RED ballast because that reminds me of certain Scottish areas (well a kind of Reddish Brown) and I wanted my main running lines to be red with my sidings and depot areas to be anything from grey to black. My turn now - can I ask who you have as an Avatar - is there a theatrical story to be told there - looks to me to be quite a scary dude - hope I am not offending you.


    Profound Question now to all RMweb experts............... I can hover over each photo and I get a text block that tells me how many times each photo has been downloaded. I presume each "author" can do this for their own topics on New RMweb.


    Most photos have been downloaded 2 or 3 or 6 or 9 times (thanks) but the winner is very odd. I can sort of understand why my plan has been downloaded 20 times (just wish I had taken the time to draw the thing better) ------- but the most downloaded photo is............ me with my two boys! ...............WHY?.................... do 22 people really need a new dartboard photo of a fat bloke with two grinning (but handsome) boys?




    Not offending at all, and I hope likewise when commenting on the Red colour.


    The picture is of GARY NUMAN, his music having a profound affect on my life.


    Have to say I really like your layout. I confess to looking closely at your track plan but have not uploaded it or the pix of you!!


    My layout is on the move from Uganda to Papua New Guinea and I'm getting a lot of ideas from layouts like yours.


    Many thanks for sharing.



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  3. G'day Stuart,


    I'm interested in how you approached the "transition" issue on your incline, both as the track rises and levels out at the top. Reason being I have made a hash of this on a prevoius layout.


    How did you "judge", for want of a better word, the rate of transition into the incline and like wise levelling out at the top?


    Hope you can work out what I'm asking!


    Cheers, Jerry

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  4. Ah, the good old HMS Warspite. She, (the Battleship) holds the record for the greatest range guns have hit a moving target, that being a hit on the Giulio Cesare at a range of 26,400 yards! July 1940 in the Med.


    I have 3 class 50's all fantastic runners at slow speed and very powerful love them. Great seeing other peoples, thanks.


    Cheers, Jerry

  5. Re visiting my effort of weathering. The victim being a Heljen 47 without expanding chassis (yet).


    Had a lot of good advise on this forum re this so here's a re cap:


    I started with it looking like this:




    After some pointed advice, I rubbed off most of the paints leaving some as a base and started using powders and ended up with this:




    So today I added a bit more gunk here and there and she now looks like this:




    Scratched the black paint around the window frames to make it look like its peeling off or worn off. Can't really see it in the pixs!!




    Two things to do now. 1) How do you get that "buffer" look? The silver with the black scratched/damaged paint look.


    And 2) what is the technique in sealing the paint powder so it does not rub off? Piemanlarger has started another thread on this issue.




    Many thanks for the help. It does look dirty!!


    Cheers, Jerry

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