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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Bill

    O Gauge -

    The authorities were definitely not amused - but behaved well!
  2. Bill

    O Gauge -

    And here is the result notified in the last post... Introducing - Jock the shunter, signalman Dave and naturally Andy the guard - more to come... Including engine drivers, a fireman and a passenger.. It was quite enjoyable painting them - not exactly professional... The was a minor disaster with the water crane, leaving a it little out of plumb... Somehow the epoxy resin took longer to dry than it should Jock's shunting pole lost its prong and was repaired using a bit of copper wire and far too much glue. Somehow in the middle of all this painting a bottle of black paint wound up on the carpet - oops! New painting protocols have been put in place which should prevent this from happening in the future. The station shelter came ready made from Skytrex - Some Slater's GWR canopy edging has been added... It will need some painting so that the browns match up. The next project is well under way, which is to build a Slater's Diagram 208 Vent Van... I am waiting for some transfers to arrive from Fox so it can be completed. The whole saga will be the subject of the next post...
  3. Bill

    3-word game

    rye. When Harold...
  4. No use crying over spilt milk - However half a bottle of Tamiya black paint on the carpet is another matter :) oops!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Platform 6

      Platform 6

      You need a dog - or cat - that will lie to order!

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Acrylic? May wash out with soapy water, enamels...different matter. Swarfegas pretty good followed by mucho scrubbing with babywipes.

    4. Bill


      SWMBO was very kind and just smiled. The carpet man came and went leaving it patched. Cost? The price of a new Loco - Ouch!

  5. Bill

    3-word game

    like canteen sandwiches
  6. A whole range of white metal kits and figures from a variety of manufacturers arrived in the post quite a while ago, they just sat in a bin as progress on the layout ground to a halt. Recently things started moving again, and it was quite a surprise to rediscover them. Now was/is the time to assemble and paint them... Here is picture of some of them before painting - all ghosts from a far distant past... To this day I am not sure what I was thinking when they were ordered.. The Water Crane, obviously fits. An ancient metal luggage label machine? Not so certain. The metal figures are from Border Miniatures and work very well - 10/10. The Peco platform pieces are serviceable. But I also now know which manufacturers of white metal kits I personally shall avoid in the future, (names withheld as other's experience might be different). Assembly and painting is currently underway along with the construction of a Slater's Diagram 208 Vent Van. The difficulty in living in Canada is getting paints that match 'British Railways' standards. I am having fun making do with what is available here and have so far found some good matches but it is an expensive journey finding out....
  7. Paul - thanks for the encouragement. I wish I could say I built the locos The pannier is RTR from Lionheart Trains and excellent value it is too - the Prairie and The Saddle tank came ready painted from Tower. They are all very nice runners, not that they do that much running on a 12 foot layout... In my view the 45XX prairie was the most beautiful tank engine ever built. Whoever designed it loved engines and got the proportions just right. Though I am pretty sure not all would agree.... I would encourage anyone to try out a small O gauge layout - It s quite a revelation to do so..
  8. Let the great contest begin - Goop vv Super Glue vv Epoxy to stick white metal to white metal - at the moment all seem to be working...:)

    1. Kev_Lewis


      I prefer 100 degree solder.

    2. Bill


      THat would work only my soldering skills remain Neanderthal...

  9. Thanks for your very useful comments - I guess I have been living too long on the wrong side of the pond (that and all the codeine in my system from my last root canal) - The cars do need to revert to UK driving rules. And that's really helpful about the signal - it felt as though it was in the wrong place but I could not quite put my finger on it... And with a little bit of tinkering the level Xing could be made to look a bit more like the Bronwydd Arms version... Maybe I should get another Peco Kit and start from scratch - unless someone else makes a GWR 7mm level Xing kit?
  10. The Peco Level crossing has been assembled and painted and located (not finally, but good enough for now,). The paints used were Tamiya and excellent they are too, they give a good finish and are water clean up. They appear to be consistent in quality, which is more that can sometimes be said for other brands. Because of the way The gates were hung and in trying to conform to Peco's picture on the box. Essential if one does not know what one is doing, it wound up with having to put the closing bolt on upside down... So I searched for a prototype to see whether the hanging post should be on the right or left from a streets eye view. Here is a photo of it - <div xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" about="http://s0.geograph.org.uk/photos/17/58/175826_a44be158.jpg"><span property="dct:title">Level crossing gate, Oakington, Cambs</span> (<a rel="cc:attributionURL" property="cc:attributionName" href="http://www.geograph.org.uk/profile/2182">Rodney Burton</a>) / <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC BY-SA 2.0</a></div> (with appropriate permission...) Now the Peco image shows it reversed... i.e. hanging on the left from the streets eye view So some questions for anyone who wishes to answer.. (1) Does it matter which way the gates are hung? (2) More importantly - was this style of crossing gate ever used on the Western region? The layout is more or less stuck with it - maybe in this instance GWR bought some surplus gates from the LNER? :-)
  11. Activity has resumed after a lengthy hiatus. Buildings have appeared and are appearing, mostly RTP. Fences are being planned and located. The garage/coal merchants has now a home. The Peco level crossing is mostly built - all it needs is some final assembly and a paint job. At last some RTP 50's lorries in actual 1/43 - this truly a wonder - I found them advertised in the O gauge guild magazine... So things are looking up and if the momentum continues - summer is a busy time for my business and can slow things down - there ought to be more to report... Here are some not very expert pictures to give a sense of how things are moving on...
  12. Bill

    3-word game

    said Englebert as...
  13. Bill

    3-word game

    attic making strange
  14. Bill

    3-word game

    black and bruised...
  15. Bill

    3-word game

    picture perfect planet...
  16. Bill

    3-word game

    on dodgy deaf-aids..
  17. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew!

  18. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew!

  19. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew!

  20. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew! (anyone need a double slip :-) )

  21. Bill

    3-word game

    By Doctor Beeching..
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