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    Trentham, Victoria, Australia

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  1. Damn, my Pioneer CD player has just died, just dont make them like they should, this just like the Hornby mazak experience.Should see if the manufactuer will replace but need to find the reciept from 1988 first.

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    2. tigerburnie


      I have both a turntable and a tape dech, until recently I had an 8 track player out the old caravan too.

    3. Sturminster_Newton


      Nothing lasts, said fair thee well to the last of our wedding gift Tea Towels after 30 years. We started married life with the new, now all gone tea towels preceded by parental hand-me-downs which lasted 15 years making them 40years old. Nothing lasts like it did. 8::

    4. Sturminster_Newton


      Nothing lasts, said fair thee well to the last of our wedding gift Tea Towels after 30 years. We started married life with the new, now all gone tea towels preceded by parental hand-me-downs which lasted 15 years making them 40years old. Nothing lasts like it did. 8::

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