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Posts posted by ChrisB

  1. I don't suppose you have any old Lima bogies hanging around do you? Have been routing through the loft looking for suitable stuff for my grandson's first railway and, amongst all the other stuff I found a couple of bogie -less  Lima TEA s. Happy to pay a reasonable amount for them if you do.


  2. It's basically a 15ft shelf down one side of a triangular garage (corner plot) with a big breeze block pillar making an uninterrupted view from one end to the other impossible.  It;s about 14 inches wide at it's narrowest and just over 2ft at its widest.


    I know you are a fan of the cyber heritage site so you'll reckognise the view I am trying to recreate here.


    • Like 17
  3. On 30/12/2019 at 10:04, Temeraire said:



    I remember seeing that Chris, did that 73 ever get a run on it?? Would be good to see any progress here.



    Class 73s in North Devon? Heaven forbid!  Yes Ian it got a fair bit of use before everything came to an unexpected and abrupt halt.  The layout has been untouched for over two years and is now home to many spiders!  I've always known I would get back to it and it's likely to be a while yet. Perhaps I'll start a thread with some of the pics I took during it's construction. I don't want to hijack Rich's thread but here's one  showing, hopefully, how I wanted to capture the scenery around the Eggesford area. 


    • Like 19
  4. Great to see you finally make a start for your sake more than anything. I know you've been full of enthusiasm for this for a (very) long time now.  Your track plan is almost like a mirror image of Lapford!  I don't quite fit in with your "serial procrastinators" title. I actually made got quite far with my Barnstaple ish layout before things came to a halt about 2 years ago. I never got around to starting a thread on it but it's still there under a layer of dust and I know I will return to it at some point.


    Looking forward to seeing your progress however slow it may be.


    • Friendly/supportive 1
  5. Looks great in every respect except for the NEM pockets being very close to the outer end of the wagon forcing a huge gap between vehicles. With the pockets so far out, it doesn't even leave the option of swapping for shorter couplings. It may seem like a minor thing but I've always questioned the logic in pursuing accuracy to the nth degree but having a scale 2ft gap between buffers when running on a layout.

    I know that Bachmann have some of theirs pushed outwards due to interference between axles and the huge mounting assembly they use for their couplings. I would have thought that, with a clean sheet, this could have been avoided.

  6. I agree with The Q.

    Landrovers with headlights in the grill panel were Series 2 and would almost certainly have all been gone by 1990. After that came the Series 3 (you don't say) which had headlights in the wings and a plastic grill. These gave way in 83/84 to the 90 and 110 (which refers to the wheelbase) which were externally pretty much identical except for the wheel arch extensions to cover the longer (now coil sprung) axles. They also had a grill with all horizontal slats.

    Most of these would have had spare wheels on the bonnet.

  7. My father was a career soldier and I remember him telling me about when they took delivery of the new Foden 6x6s and 8x8s in the late 70s and early 80s. They arrived in Matt green and they started spraying the matt black on them but it wasn't going fast enough. The solution?  A couple of dozen squaddies with buckets of black paint and floor mops! Dad said that mops and buckets were frequently used for painting vehicles.

    I've also been told that, due to the urgency of getting vehicles out to the Gulf for the first Gulf War, some had cans of sand paint poured over them and it was then just spread out with brooms.

    • Like 1
  8.  Surely with the amount of mistakes that are made it would be better to start making products back in the UK. Things could be put right without much delay and the company would have full control over its products. Just a thought.


    Fine if you want to pay £200 or more for a loco. Despite recent price hikes, the reason so much is made over there is because it's cheaper.


    The Chinese are perfectly capable of producing any colour you like. Somebody in the UK signed off on these to say they were okay and to go ahead with production.

  9. You can only write as you find. I suppose you could neglect to mention certain things  but that would be, at the very least, a disservice to your readers. If you were to do that, it devalues not only that review, but any others you write in the future and you would be better off not writing anything.


    As I said before, it will be interesting to see the language used in any reviews.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  10. First thing I had to do (as mentioned by others earlier in the thread) was remove the coupling hook and re-fit it from the correct side. 


    Once I'd done that and actually fitted the couplings into the NEM pockets I didn't think they quite clicked "home" positively (bogie frame prevents them going any further back) and they look to protrude an awfully long way forward...  Couplings with shorter mountings might be an idea if I can find some... 


    And whilst investigating this, I just happened to notice the plating flaking off of the tread of one of the wheels - looks horribly brass-like underneath...


    ....and they sit too low.

  11. The blue's too blue. The yellow's not yellow enough. The horns are wrong. The windows aren't triangular...

    Sorry... just had a quick psychic glimpse into the immediate future of this thread....





    Many a true word spoken in jest...............................

  12. But are they the right way up to start with?  Mine were "too low" but then I spotted the assembly error.


    I haven't even looked as I was never even going to fit the standard Dapol couplings.


    I said it in a previous post but this loco could have been a huge, positive milestone for Dapol if they'd got it right. Instead it seems to be heading towards being a huge negative one especially in the light of comments like those above. This is my first Dapol locomotive and I will certainly think twice before ordering another one. I have a Dutch liveried one on order and, although my heart tells me otherwise, my head says "Cancel". Such a shame.  Better decide soon.


    As has also been said, the silence from Dapol is deafening.


    It will be interesting to see what kind of language is used in the magazine reviews. They generally tread carefully for fear of upsetting their bigger advertisers but they really ought to tell the truth if they're claiming to give honest reviews.

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