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Wicor Models

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Status Updates posted by Wicor Models

  1. Just started wiring up some point motors only to find I have enough switches but very little wire. As we sell wire there is no excuse but work has had to grind to a halt until I can get to the shop and buy some more.

  2. Happy New Year to everyone on RMweb. Up nice and early to go to Winchester for the King Alfred Buses Running Day. Cameras and film packed just tea to finish and we're away.

  3. I'm now drinking a cup of tea to restore my sanity after painting and weathering track. It's worth it when it's finished though.

  4. I've got a point motor to fit and a couple of yards of track to lay but Sunday morning coffee is stopping me!

  5. Hi Andy, great look to the new forum. Thanks for your time and knowledge freely given for our enjoyment and assistance.

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