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  1. Just read some idiots blog about schoolbus safety claiming if aircraft have seatbelts servce buses should. A bus stopping and starting at 20mph is very different to an aircraft falling in a controlled way at 500mph! -_-

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    2. RThompson


      if service buses did have seat belts then it would be very hard to make sure passengers was wearing them (was bad enough on school buses)plus it would be another expense for the companies.

    3. Dave47549


      Agreed Rob, totally impractical. Just making the point that the only 'restraining devices' on buses tend to be metal poles / seat frames etc, & making contact at 20mph isn't pleasant. It's also worth pointing out that some service buses are quite happy at 60+mph.

    4. ECML180


      I have been in a Sudden Stop incident at 40mph, and I was sat in an inwards facing seat-where a seatbelt would have been unusable.


      I do agree that schoolbuses could be made safer but this guys areguements for it were rediculous. Apart from passengers not wearing them, a report showed that the cost of fitting seatbelts to buses outweighed the benefits of them.

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