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Everything posted by Adam1701D

  1. I have just seen the moon get eaten by a dragon!

  2. Will the toilet feature a figure hanging on for grim death with one hand, whilst trying to maintain aim with the other? I speak from experience...
  3. I've been using the Craft Robo for a couple of years to produce the Electra range of vinyls and can attest to what a brilliant little machine this is. It's capable of some really fine cutting, as my N Gauge 501 (with window bars) shows.
  4. Adam1701D

    Dapol HST

    I was wondering if Dapol intend to leave the NMT trailers to the third party suppliers, as I believe there are a number of options for coach overlays available.
  5. There's a rather good video on YouTube of the T Gauge HST running as a 6-car set. I love the way it just vanishes into the landscape...
  6. Details and pictures here: http://www.tgauge.co.uk/product/109/0/br-inter-city-125/e5387330c9aa607f56592969a238f7bc T Gauge seems to be really growing in popularity and the quality of some of the newest models no longer puts it in the novelty executive toy category. With the right controller, the trains are responsive with good slow-speed running, so the first RTR UK item can only be a good thing.
  7. Adam1701D

    Dapol HST

    Likewise, appreciate the update, Dave. Just a shame they look so bloomin' good!
  8. Adam1701D

    Dapol HST

    Those look really top-notch, particularly the Inter-City Executive version. Hopefully, there'll be a matching TRFB and TGS to enable a full correct rake to be assembled.
  9. Adam1701D

    Showtime again

    Dave, those pictures are awesome - you've really got the cluttered WCML look down to a tee! many thanks for letting me use them for the ERG site.
  10. I can see some serious 150-bashing potential there, Alan! Might be after a set or two of these myself :-) Are you planning on doing etches for the 210 / early 317 side windows ( or, indeed, the whole thing)?
  11. ICE, ICE, baby...

    1. Timara


      Tasty or what! It's nice when it's quiet with no-one around!

  12. Adam1701D

    The 312 Project

    That's looking really good. Out of interest, I've been approached to do some vinyl sides for the 310/312 in 4mm, which may make the conversion easier.
  13. I've just taken on a 6x2 N Gauge roundy-roundy layout, courtesy of eBay. It appears to be suffering from long-term storage but looks pretty sound and in need of some TLC to make presentable again. I'm fed up with photographing ERG stuff against a plain background and would like something a little more scenic. The main concern has to be the eye-watering radius of the curves, which totally preclude anything six-axled running round. A re-design may be required, so I'd be open to suggestions! Overall view, as received. Farish 47 and Mk1 on the girder bridge Tunnel section. The freight stock came with the layout, along with lots of buildings and a GF GWR coach! Grappa the Staffordshire finally discovers model trains. Better be careful where I leave stuff! Get off my bed...
  14. Never found the time to build a layout, so bought one from eBay.

  15. How about a semi-imaginary DMU? If the Cambridge - St.Ives line was refurbished, rather than turned into a guided busway then, who knows, we might have had WAGN-operated Class 150s, a bit like this... The actual model is my trusty 150/2 testing out some 317 DTC graphics for a customer special commission.
  16. Is it my imagination or are more folk modelling 25kv overhead stuff in N?

  17. £750 for a rake of OO Fag Packet HST coaches?? I'm going to dust off my plans for a 4mm set of vinyls :-)

  18. Actually, it looks like a 2 or 4-EPB Driving car. Seems too long for a 501. I'll check my drawings later to count the window bays. ISTR the MTK / Fleetline EMUs are slightly under-length for the GF Mk1.
  19. Thanks, Alan. I might put this on the ERG website when I next update but wouldn't want to upset my more sensitive readers. I have a bit of a thing about spiders and that picture gives me the willies!
  20. Can I have a copy of that picture for my "web"-site?
  21. So good to be back at home

  22. Adam1701D

    Dapol Britannia

    The joys of the global marketplace....
  23. Adam1701D

    Dapol Britannia

    I guess that'll see the Minitrix Brits hitting eBay. Looks like they've done a grand job again!
  24. D5900 to ride again. It's just nuts enough to have to work!

  25. I'm looking forward to 86401. Got a whole load of stripped Mk1 shells waiting for NSE "Cobblers" treatment.
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