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Status Updates posted by Mulderspants

  1. Happy Birthday George Stephenson.

    1. DavidLong


      And he doesn't look a day over 234!

  2. This DCC lark is so good I even get real smoke............Oh.

  3. This DCC lark is so good I even get real smoke............Oh.

  4. This DCC latk is so good I even get real smoke............Oh.

  5. This DCC latk is so good I even get real smoke............Oh.

  6. This DCC latk is so good I even get real smoke............Oh.

  7. Why are the only 2 detail parts on a Hornby A4 so difficult to fit?

  8. Great Dorset Steam Fair officially crushed the world record for the greatest amount of steam rollers in a formation over a set course!! 102 rollers took part!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mulderspants


      No, No mud just lots and lots of dust!

      And yes it was very firm under foot.

    3. Coldgunner


      A perfect opportunity for Wagner at full volume, no?

    4. RJS1977


      I know one year Berkshire County Council decided to resurface the road past the venue for the much-missed Knowl Hill rally on the weekend of the event. As they were planning just to leave the chippings lying in the tar for the traffic to press in, the steam roller owners at the rally offered to do it for them as a demonstration!

  9. Great Dorset Steam Fair officially crushed the world record for the greatest amount of steam rollers in a formation over a set course!! 102 rollers took part!

  10. Great Dorset Steam Fair officially crushed the world record for the greatest amount of steam rollers in a formation over a set course!! 102 rollers took part!

  11. My Class 22 has arrived.

  12. Red Arrows have just flown very low over my house!

    1. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      You must be near Silverstone then!


    2. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      You must be near Silverstone then!


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