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Posts posted by GreenDiesel

  1. Thanks for this feedback. It sounds as it Hornby has really thought this through. My current N scale layout is about 8 years old. When It comes time to start a new layout (in a few years), then maybe I will consider TT. By then, we should also know if it Hornby TT was successful or not.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Dunsignalling said:

    Only once Hornby has proved it is commercially sustainable, and that's several years away even if things go really well initially. 


    Bachmann has enough trouble getting all the production slots they need from their parent company for the OO products they want to make so I'd bet on them being the least likely to join in. 


    Hornby is taking one heck of a gamble on this, and nobody else needs to follow them. Carving up Hornby's share of the OO market will be far less risky.







    Interesting. Sounds like Hornby has really thought this through.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, AndrueC said:

    Seems to me like a way to boost sales. Offer something new and different and hope people fall for it. Can't really blame anyone but I'd rather the resources be put into existing scales.

    Yes, good point, but I still think TT is a great (ideal) scale and it's surprising it's taken this long to become so popular (realize I'm speaking in very general terms.)

    • Like 2
  4. 25 minutes ago, woodenhead said:

    I might be wrong but Hornby might be gambling no-one else enters, TT was a clean slate for them to go at and they've already spoilt the Heljan entry and very quickly have got in on major loco classes and coaching stock items to keep others at bay.  Also the direct only sales and social media approach means it's customers of TT operate in an contained echo chamber so they don't see competitors products when they do appear.


    So maybe someone else will announce something, or maybe they won't if Hornby continue to aggressively attempt to keep the scale to themselves which ultimately is what they want for maximum return.


    25 minutes ago, woodenhead said:

    I might be wrong but Hornby might be gambling no-one else enters, TT was a clean slate for them to go at and they've already spoilt the Heljan entry and very quickly have got in on major loco classes and coaching stock items to keep others at bay.  Also the direct only sales and social media approach means it's customers of TT operate in an contained echo chamber so they don't see competitors products when they do appear.


    So maybe someone else will announce something, or maybe they won't if Hornby continue to aggressively attempt to keep the scale to themselves which ultimately is what they want for maximum return.

    Interesting! Yet, based on the past, if Hornby TT120 does do well, I wouldn't be surprised it Bachmann wanted a piece of the pie as well, and started offering their locos, filling in the gaps, etc. Who's to stop them & the competition would be good.


  5. 51 minutes ago, ianmacc said:

    A search on eBay of “1:120 scale” turns up lots of random items that are already suitable to individualise an otherwise pure Hornby layout. A lovely range of buses for example. 

    Yes, that makes sense re eBay, etc. However, I was mainly thinking of rolling stock and locos.

    But with this version of TT being only 2.5mm scale, you'd think you could use (fudge) some N scale building (especially if placed in the distance) and maybe even some HO buildings?

  6. I'm fascinated by Hornby's new TT launch, and find myself thinking about it often, watching TT videos on Youtube, etc. About 8 years ago, I switched from 00 to N, so I don't think I can really afford another scale switch, unless it's a few years in the future.  I've always thought TT was the ideal scale and I really enjoy watch videos of TT layouts in operation.


    A few thoughts/questions: It would seem strange (and limiting), I think, to buy all of ones products from the same manufacturer. In 00 and N, I'm used to sourcing locos and rolling stock from a variety of companies -- both new and very old -- and this partly adds to the charm of having a layout, putting together a believable layout from items that are either brand new or 40+ years old. Also, does anyone know if Bachmann or any other manufacturers will get into TT120? I could see that happening, although it's curious the Heljan recently pulled away. 


    Mods: This post is NOT meant to be controversial, etc., I'm just asking about and posting thoughts that have come to mind as I digest the TT news. Please feel free to take it down, though, if necessary.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Gilbert said:

    I don't know if it would work for whole pages (possibly 1 page on a 2-page view?) but I did some screen shots of something I wanted to keep as a hard copy from a digital mag yesterday..


    Yes, thanks... I think this would work and I've done it with an online book I had. Only downside is that it's slow and tedious.

  8. I've obtained access to a number of railway magazines via Magzter, which is great. Only problem is that it seems I can only read them from my computer (or ipad if I were to use that). I'd like to print off pages to read later but I can't get the print function to work as the print preview is blank. Is there are way to print these or am I limited to online/on-screen use only? I still like holding printed papers in my hand to read, rather than staring at a screen.


    Thanks in advance.


  9. 4 hours ago, BR traction instructor said:

    Another vote here for getting the online/electronic version…makes sure that you don’t miss your fave publications issue by issue and doesn’t stop you picking up a hard copy when you see one. Pocketmags is my supplier of choice…very easy to use.



    Thanks! I've tried electronic versions and really don't enjoy them, especially for something like a thick railway magazine where I love to jump around from one section to another. I realize you can still do that with an e-version but I don't find it as easy or convenient. 

  10. 2 hours ago, brossard said:

    On the subject of older magazines, since it has been brought up, I have tried to reduce the clutter of these (they build up amazingly fast) by cutting them up, saving articles of interest and scanning them.  Most mags have a lot of useless stuff such as ads and "new" product reviews.  My preference is to scan prototype articles and especially drawings.


    This way you develop a good data base and can find info on things quite easily, providing the scans are filed well.


    The only decent online index that I'm aware of is for MRJ.



    I don't keep all of them, just ones that I'm really interested in. I usually donate my extras to train clubs or hertitage railways. But I still keep enough on hand that I'm able to re-enjoy them.

  11. Sometimes, when I don't have any current magazines or when am not able to buy any new ones, I will search through my existing supply of old magazines and pull out 1-2. There is practically a 100% chance you will find something interesting to read, either an article you've forgotten or didn't get a chance to read the first time.


    Right now, I'm re-reading an article on an LMS layout from from 2015. I'm currently really into LMS, and it's like I'm seeing this issue for the first time. :-)


  12. 44 minutes ago, brossard said:

    I used to get all of the magazines from my small newsagent in the mall.  The large book outlets seem pretty useless.  My advice is to find a small magazine shop and ask them to get the magazines you want.  They might be more keen to get the business than the big boys.  I still get MRJ quite regularly from my small shop.  I even get a phone call to tell me it is in. 


    MRJ is one of the magazines that still operate in the steam age, but I believe the others are easy to get subs for.  You can also use Pocketmags for electronic versions, although that never appealed to me.



    Thanks... Yes, I'm thinking that the small international newsagent in the Beach (in Toronto) might be my best bet right now. I still prefer flipping through a print magazine -- using digital seems too tedious for me. 

  13. Question for people modelling British outline in Canada:  I used to buy several British model railway magazines at our main bookstores such as Chapters & Indigo. But recently, two of our Chapters locations have had almost nothing in the way of Railway Modeller, Model Rail, Hornby Magazine, etc. I asked and apparently they are having difficulty importing magazines from overseas due to COVID. He said that this may or may not improve after COVID. 


    There is an international newsagent that sells British railway magazines, and I think they’re still getting them. At any rate, just curious if any other anglophiles having the same problem? Thanks in advance. 

  14. 13 minutes ago, 33C said:

    I literally just pulled the 5 pin plug from the throttle body Housing. That goes to the brain and was getting mixed messages. There is a test sequence for all models to check if it is the problem.  Mine was , and I quote "hold down acc.pedal, turn on ignition to second position, press and release acc.pedal 10 times, pause 2 seconds between presses, release for 10 seconds. Start engine". You will see the stepper motor adjusting on it's self test. If there is no change, unplug and try again after cleaning terminals. Mine worked better without it! Good luck!!

    Thanks! But wouldn't this flood the engine?

  15. 3 minutes ago, 33C said:

    Sounds exactly like the problem I had. Turned out to be the "stepper motor", (auto choke). It was under/over fuelling due to wear. 130,000 miles. Pulled the plug off and use the accelerator pedal to set initial fuel for 1st few seconds and now it runs great.

    Thanks! Is that an easy repairs and/or would it cost much?

  16. Hi... I've received good car advice here in the past so I have another question! My wife and I have a 2011 Mazda3. It is a 5-speed manual with about 172,000 km on it (we live in Canada). Occasionally, it doesn't shift smoothly from 1st to 2nd. Sometimes it make a noise as if it's about to stall, or almost stalls. This doesn't happen a lot but enough to notice it. As a result, we end up giving it a little more gas in the lower gears to compensate.


    Also, especially during cold weather, if we drive it a short distance (say 1-2 miles), leave it for a few minutes to an hour, we often have trouble restarting it.


    Otherwise, the car performs fine. Basically, I think the car needs a tuneup and/or new spark plugs.  I put new plugs into it in October 2019 but it hasn't had a full l tuneup for 4-5 years.


    Thanks in advance. 


  17. 28 minutes ago, chris p bacon said:

    I've sold to many overseas and asked them to email before bidding to check postage rates. I usually don't tick the box for GSP but I've noticed that should I make changes to the listing it will re-tick itself when saved.


    The issue for many is that should there be an issue with a fraudulent overseas bidder you're scuppered, but if you use the GSP you only have to get it to the UK posting depot and your risk ends.......well that's how it's supposed to work, as Ebay don't stick by they're own T&C and refunded a bidder from my account even though it was their own GSP courier that delayed the parcel. Took me a week to get a refund.

    Thanks!  In my previous comment, I mentioned how one vendor said that they almost have to use the GSP, or were protected more when they did. So I suppose I can still ask about bypassing the GSP with some vendors. Thanks for this feedback. 

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  18. 25 minutes ago, John M Upton said:

    Overseas postage costs, especially across the Atlantic in both directions has skyrocketed in the last year to eighteen months. If using the daylight robbery Global Shipping Program (top tip - don’t!!!) it is even more expensive.


    Then there is the VAT, export/import duties and any couriers fees for collecting same...


    Have a look in the EBay section of this forum, it has been much discussed there.  Effectively international model railway equipment sales have been effectively wiped out as a result.

    Thanks! According to one eBay vendor, they practically have to use the Global Shipping Program (while I think you can negotiate with others not to use it).


    In the past, I've simply bought direct from Hattons and Rails a lot. The good news there is that they deduct the VAT at point of sale, so it works out very well for overseas purchasers. That's what I've been doing instead of eBay.

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