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mike morley

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  1. I get the feeling from my latest attempt to buy my grandson's Xmas present that if you are a previous customer of Amazon it's Amazon Prime or not at all. (After three attempts I chose Waterstones)

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    2. shortliner


      Yesterday evening I ordered the new Lance Mindheim book from Amazon - which said it qualifies for free shipping - first it gave me that "pain in the butt" Prime, and then decided that it wanted me to pay for shiiping - you have to hunt through shipping options to find "free shipping" - I get the impression that somebody has decided that if they make it difficult enough, you will give in and use Prime - Sorry Amazon, that ain't gonna work!!!


    3. Derails Models

      Derails Models

      Regarding the plain-text link - it didn't work. I clicked the plain text link to say 'I don't want prime' and it said 'Well have it anyway'. So I just went and cancelled it....

    4. jbqfc


      i just keep getting free trials then i cancel them just before they end i have had five i think this year


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