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Huw Griffiths

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  1. Just been chopping up some scraps of dowel and wooden skewer - then drilling some holes and threading a wire offcut through them.


    This lot needs to work - or my cakebox entry will be finished before it starts!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Just been out the back and retrieved some scraps of wood (IKEA cast offs from a few years ago) - one of these is 215 * 195 * 18 mm. With a bit of trimming, this should make an excellent base, which should also take the dowels (aka traction poles) without loads of hassle.


      Looks like I'll be able to build my CBC entry - and I've already reached the "recycling quota"!


      A build thread is likely to appear in due course.


    3. SHMD


      That's uncanny!


      The short Tram line on my cakebox entry is using thin brass wire stripped off an experimental superconducting magnet that was decommissioned at a university is was working at at the time.


      The scrap metal bin, where I work, is such a rich cornucopia of wonderful stuff!

      (The scrap gold and copper is usually never put in there though.)


    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Strange that!


      My diorama will be in On30 - and generic.


      However, judging by your "name" on this site, I'm not too surprised about your scene being set in the "SE Lancashire / NE Cheshire" area. I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on - and what the final build looks like.


      I hope it all goes well.



      As for recycling, I've been into this since long before it became fashionable - I even recycle my jokes.


      That's right - I even recycle ... oh, never mind!



      Anyway, all the best with your build.

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