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2mm Andy

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Status Updates posted by 2mm Andy

  1. Free airshow over York today - the Red Arrows earlier and now the BBMF has just gone over!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Two_sugars


      Sunderland Air-show this week end


    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Ahhhh there's nowt like t'roar of a Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Adour engine, followed by the sound of massed Rolls-Royce Merlins! http://www.stelzriede.com/ms/mus/spitfire.wav

    4. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      Yes, that makes sense as they were all heading North. Shame I've got other things on - would have liked to have gone.

      Hearing that many Merlin engines runnin makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!

  2. Low-flying pheasant vs. car windscreen. Not good!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      OUCH! Don't get many pheasants down in Cornwall (only peasants, ha ha). But my experience when I lived and drove in Wales and East Anglia was that they had a death-wish... getting 3/4 across the road, having second thoughts, and then heading back again. Stoopid, stoopid suicidal birds! Glad you weren't hurt, Andy. Hope the insurance coughs up.

    3. Jaggzuk


      Suicidal, stupid, and forgettfull; wings whay are they?

    4. RJL


      And to make things worse because it hit your car you cannot take it home to eat by law but the people in the car behind you could.

  3. Fantastic day out on the North Yorkshire Moors Rly today with a friend, followed by fish and chips in Whitby - work tomorrow is going to be a shock!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boris


      You absolutely sure it was today (1st?) my memory of today was a disaster of a days running!

    3. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      well yes Boris, the trains were a bit of a mess (failed black 5, 1hr delay then diesel with no steam heat, etc.), but the weather was good and we still enjoyed ourselves!

    4. RJL


      Robertson's ?

  4. shiny shiny etches :O)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. queensquare


      Hopefully you've not designed anything I might be interested in - I'm starting to develop a backlog!

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Don't suppose they're in 1:64 scale... thought not, phew!

    4. RJL


      watch out for magpies

  5. why does writing meeting minutes take hours?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      Almost done, Tony! (doesn't help that I've spent most of the evening painting/filling walls!

    3. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      I wish, Pete!

    4. TheSignalEngineer


      When someone else does it why does it always seem they were at a different meeting?

  6. off to visit Beamish tomorrow (Power from the Past event)

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Excellent - be sure to check out 'Ogwen' and 'Glyder' (ex- Penrhyn Quarries), recently repatriated from the USA: Ogwen and Glyder - Narrow Gauge Engines at Beamish

    2. RJL


      How was the event ? The Coal mine and Pit Village is my favourite part of the Museum.

  7. building 2mm scale wagon kits with a 2lb lump hammer

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      @Andy: Indeed, originally for S scale we would use only one half of a 9.52lb hammer, not imperially. (work it out cryptically)

    3. RJL


      At the detailing stage then?

    4. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      @RJL: You could be right. But the secret of 2-mil 'detailing' is what you leave out. Andy's lump hammer is used to knock off any unnecessary rivet detail ;-)

  8. Fighting with DG couplings on 2mm wagons - grrr!

    1. bcnPete


      I like them...but I still can't get the loops right!

    2. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      I make the loops from one piece of steel wire - much easier. I've been struggling with mounting the things on the wagons!

  9. Just taken a bread pudding out of the oven....mmmm!

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      With Ice cream. YUM

  10. Nice day in the Yorkshire Dales yesterday. Even managed to walk a little bit of the Stainmore route!

    1. backofanenvelope


      Shoulda popped into my parents for tea! you go on the WR?

    2. 2mm Andy

      2mm Andy

      No - it wasn't that well-planned a trip! A1/A66 to Kirby Stephen, then over the hill to Keld, and down Swaledale to Richmond (stopping for ice cream at Muker!).

  11. 34067 'Tangmere' has just gone past the end of the road. Train looked pretty full.

  12. I don't think I'll need to water the garden tonight.....

  13. got back from Scalefour North to find I'd won a tenner in the office Grand National sweepstake!

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