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Posts posted by twiggy1969

  1. 18 minutes ago, Coryton said:


    Keeping mail order going in general (not just for model railways) will actually keep quite a large number of people in employment, I would have thought.

    might also kill a large number as well

  2. 8 hours ago, Rowsley17D said:


    Probably all the button pressing, but I don't think Steve's thread on signals is the place for a discussion on the merits of various servo control methods (says he who mentioned it a couple of posts ago.)

    was just asking due to the claim that its the easiest to install and adjust. I found the megerpoints very simple and having set up 50 plus signals and ground signals with no problems at all. With every thing on the board so no extra setting board required. 


    So i was asking as if theres a better solution out there as im interested in anything to make my life easier when i do commissions and making things idiot proof for when the client takes delivery    

  3. 9 hours ago, martin_wynne said:

    The problem is that folks are asking me to spend hour upon hour of my time explaining Templot. Writing instructions takes 10 times longer than writing the actual program.


    Even when I do spend time on it, I get very little feedback as to whether anyone found it useful, or even read it.


    For example a few years ago I started a Templot Explained section. I managed only the first 4 pages. It has been waiting for the next page ever since -- but no-one has ever asked me when it might appear:




    I wrote a page on a suggested method of using Templot:




    But again no-one has asked anything about what is on there, or when I might continue it.


    There is a page about some of the basics of a track template at:




    In the above pages I sometimes include screen capture videos, such as this one:




    Recently I tried a new interactive "infographic" format. Is that better? see:




    Everyone has different expectations/needs which makes covering every possible way of using Templot a never-ending task. In the end there is no real alternative to exploring all through the menus to find what you need, and asking on Templot Club if you don't find it, or don't understand it.


    Templot is my hobby. At present I'm enjoying creating DXF files in 3D, and testing them on my 3D printer to create 3D-printed track parts. That might or might not lead to a useful new function for everyone. But should I stop working on it and spend my time explaining Templot for everyone else? 





    Hi Martin


    guess you need some feed back and this is in no way meant to negative 

    the one biggest thing ive noticed trying to follow whats been put up is a lack of an explanation of whats going on or how to get to a point 

    i understand thats its free and takes time to learn but maybe a basic crib for functions maybe useful or a video covering the basics that most folk would use ie a junction main running lines and sidings  and while this is being done it being explained as to how and why the steps are being taken 

    someone has kindly offered to spend some time with me to show me how to use it but as of yet ive not had the time to meet up 



    • Like 1
  4. On 01/01/2020 at 21:45, Anglian said:

    Vector artwork is created in design software such as Adobe Illustrator. It is not pixel based so can be scaled to any size whilst remaining pin sharp.


    Reproducing the logo without permission is a breech of copyright, even on a model, so that's your call.


    Presumably you have all the necessary reference materials to create the vector artwork from. If not, that's the first thing you need to do. Depending on who you choose to finally print the decals and the system they use will have a bearing on exactly how they want the artwork set up. No two suppliers that I've used have the same technical requirements.





    think you will find for your own model the fair use clause comes into play if its not used for gain

  5. 7 hours ago, martin_wynne said:

    Unfortunately Castle Cary Junction spans the corner of 3 maps on NLS, which don't line up very well (1929 OS revision). I have pulled them into Templot and aligned them as best I can. (The georeferenced slippy version on the NLS site pre-dates the Taunton line.) I used Templot's low-contrast grey option to make it easier to work over them ("bright night" colour scheme):






    The ruling curve seems to be (at that 1929 date) in the earlier Yeovil lines, with a right-hand double junction to Taunton. That looks to be about D-11 turnouts at first try.


    If you would like to transfer this discussion to the Templot Club forum I can post these files and continue the discussion: http://85a.co.uk/forum/





    thank you martin i have sent a request to join

  6. well your right it is free now but it wasnt around 10 years ago when i used it for my last layout and now the way it works seems completely different but then i believe  that would be templot 1. It maybe just me not able to get my head around how it works but like all tools they only work if people are given instructions. 

    As to your questions 

    i have limited understanding of turnouts  and looking to lay a GWR country junction   based on Castle Cary  in OO with 1mm flang gaps


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