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Everything posted by uax6

  1. Oi! Stop giving me a bad name! You are the one that complains when I'm not at work and you have to do some filling of space yourself! Mind you, am I the one that started expanding things to differing areas of modelling? I blame those scans! But then again, I do find research for a layout is almost as much fun as building it! I do find that I find this thread a wonderful place to be. Not going to be a nice night here tonight. The bridge gang are cutting out the waybeams on our underpass (about 20 yds from the box) with petrol saws. That sound is going to go right through me! I'm going to try and pass the time reading section Z of the rule book, so will clock on to more accusations at around about 3am. Andy G
  2. Oh you had to ask what I had in my shed didn't you??? Well I have two 1930's Strowger Automatic telephone Exchanges. One was in use in Wakes Colne in Essex (I belive, and the previous owner got it from the GPO for nothing on the understanding that the packing cases it was in were returned (it was due to be going to Scotland to help automate some wild windsweep area). This one has never be modified to allow STD working, so you would have to go via the operator if you wanted a trunk call. The other one was in use at a little place called Twenty in Lincolnshire. This was recovery to a school in Dulwich (Ayllens school I think!) where it provided internal comms until about 8 years ago. The 6th formers used to maintain it! This one was modified to work STD, and it also has the relay sets to work the old dial, pay on answer payphones. I have various parts of old Morris minors, itals MGB-gts and Maestros (anyone got a 1275 Maestro engine and box going for scrap? I want to use one in my other moggy van!)kicking about. Andy G
  3. Blimey, you make me sound like sort sort of verity act! I had noticed your overday change into something cute and cuddly, so what do we call you now, Tiddles? Andy G I might put a picky up tomorrow of something similar.
  4. Ok fellow Lunatics, I've hopefully got the time off from both SWMBO and the Railway, so that I can visit Ally Pally in March. Are any of you lot coming too? Indeed has anyone got any other details as to how much it will set me back and times etc? Andy G
  5. Derek, I hope that when I finally get round to building my railway, it looks half as good as yours. That some lovely modelling there. The loco and stock has just made me drool! Andy G
  6. Ian, I've just started my night turns, have LB's all week, with a T3 on saturday night being given up Monday morning (replacing bridge timbers and overhead masts that after 20 years are falling into the fen! Andy P - I totally understand the pain that loosing a pet is. Discovered SWMBO's cat dead on the Patio in August, and two years ago had to have my faithful 1st cat put to sleep. Forthunatley on both occaisons we got another cat fairly quickly, which helped (this time the kitten was here 6 months beforehand. I think getting back on the bike is a great help, although I find that my 4 year old does keep talking about SWMBO cat, and it does tug at the heart strings, but she saw us bury here, and she seems to have a grasp on it all. Jeff - Glad you liked the scans, they took about 20 minutes to scan, and i thought they would liven up your day! They are full of little details (like Settle box) that will transform your model. Did something I've never done before today.....Did some modelling while the Mrs was doing some of her Angry Cross -stitching. I made up four MR bogies, and only superglued one to my fingers! Tomorrow I will be doing some work to my WCJS sleeper, and some filling and stripping on my MR abortions! Andy G
  7. Well for the time being I'll bask in the glory ;-} I'm guessing Jeff that you <may> rue the day when you see what you'll have to make..... ! I'll try and get them scanned today and into your inbox. Whats this about not wanting to scratchbuild locos? One of my other ongoing projects (I have a locker full of them at the minute!) is a HR Clan class. It's built around a Tri-ang B12 chassis (with a modern M7 bogie (with pick-ups)). I've got as far as the footplate as I'm waiting for a lathe to come available to turn the boiler (out of some 25mm plastic electrical conduit). So far it looks pretty good, but I'm guessing that I have some hard times ahead with it, as getting weight into it could be a challenge, and I'm not confindent with using metals so it's plasticard all the way! The barrel will be full of lead, which hopefully won't put all the weight over the bogie and not the coupled wheels. Sadly until I can get the boiler turned it is on the back burner. I looked at my lot list for coaches over the weekend too, 20 to make! I will be busy soon! Andy G
  8. So I have a long weekend off work (and an extra freeday too) and you lot have added 6 pages. Firstly Ian D, thanks for looking at your compound for me, still not quite right, and the lack of pick-ups will be a pain. I've spent the weekend starting to put together some comet LMS P1 corridor Brake 3rd sides. I've been foiled by the fact that I'd left my razor saw in work, and so couldn't cut up my donor chassis. I then had a look at some MR bogies to make up and found that I'd left the top-hat bearings in work! So in the end I've not got much done (although I have serviced the van). Yesterday the Postie brought my Birthday Book. LMS Architecture. It's an opc book from 1981, and cost £2 on Ebay. It's battered but the contents are superb! Theres lovely shots of stations, and there are lots of MR photos and drawings just waiting to be scanned and emailed to Jeff so that he can make them! MR things include: Appleby's footbridge (original construction drawing), Buildings in Settles goods yard (including cattle dock), MR lamphuts (for inclusion next to signalbox), LMS concrete privvy (for Signalman)... Am I the youngest one on here? 35 and 6 days. Andy G
  9. Question time to all luners: Doe any of you lot have a Hornby Caley 4-2-2 or T9 please? If you do can you confirm what the leading bogie wheelbase is please? I'm not sure if the Bachmann compound will fit my bill either, has anyone got one please? if you do, can you see if it picks-up on it's front bogie please (if it does what is it's wheelbase please?) Jeff - I thought I was the only one who couldn't find anything after I had tidied up! Does it feel good to be back in the bunker then? Andy g
  10. Now the big question has to be.... Has Jeff been up since 5am to turn the heaters on in the Bunker so that he can get on with some modelling???? Nice to see that there is another Signalman daft enough to be on here! Andy G (Sorry Andy P for getting your heart rate up! I promise nothing as interesting today!)
  11. For the time being the Royal Train (LNWR version of course, not the modern version (which I've had past the box twice this year)) is very much on the back burner. It's quite a build, mainly 12 wheeled sleepers and diners (I've got to have some for normal use, so when I make the sides for those I might do a couple for RT use) plus some semi-royals and the two ex-1st brakes. One day though! This is a shot through the window of 3rd class in my WCJS sleeper, which is almost finished... Andy G
  12. Certainly would make it interesting wouldn't it? You'd have to make sure that everyone had enough stock. How far along the S&C can we get with made layouts I wonder? Here's a little something from my efforts today: (I daren't add any others of the photos I took, as there might be objections to the clarity of detail on the ahem, 'model'! ) Andy G
  13. Well the other loco you could try is GT3. Now it's not as good looking as say a Jubilee, but is nowhere near as butt ugly as the Fell. It would be a quite easy thing to build too. Theres no valve gear, and it used a steam loco's main frames (was it a black 5??) and the tender was enclosed all round. Prefect for the S&C as didn't it do testing on it with the LMS mobile test units? This year has been good for modelling for me so far.... The sleeper is now glazed (with blinds fully down in 1st class end, the attendants comp blind just open, one 3rd fully down, and then the remaining full 3rd partially open, and the 1/2 3rd fully open on the door, but drawn on the quarterlight.) Two of the nudes have been installed.... one is quite visible! Trains have started to run again here, so not sure how much more I'll be able to do today, but I've got to investigate a double ended MR compo brake (ex slip coach) to see if I can bash it, but i only have pictures of the corridor side, and no drawing... Can anyone help (Larry???) ;-} Andy g
  14. For information on the fell loco see the Davey-Paxman history on the web... Brilliant site listing Paxmans history and whats going on at the minute. The fell is at http://www.paxmanhistory.org.uk/paxfell.htm Andy G
  15. The Midland ones had them to match the American Pullmans! The idea was to allow more light into the interior (Real Clerestories are the top stories on the naves of Churches, again to get more light into the nave (as usually as soon as side naves (The real names has gone!) are added you loose all the light, so you extented the nave upwards one storey and put the windows up there and bobs your uncle, the centre nave is less dark) They were also used to add ventilation space. They went out of favour as they made the vehicle weak in collisions, and probably cost more to make. Andy G
  16. I have heard two poeple pronunce it as 'cler - res - tory' recently. I would have to find the dictonary to find out how we are supposed to say it! When you get your locos out to play, can you measure the bogies for me please (if they have pick-ups on!)? BTW the 'lad' hasn't arrived yet... so have been checking out Dent. Bad news is the rain has arrived ;-{ Andy G (101)
  17. Well, as I was just short of the 100th post (being at 99) I thought I would chip in this morning before the learner arrives (Oh what fun, spending my day with someone I wish wasn't here, in a small wooden box, where the only escape is the loo or to go and do the gates, neither of which will look exciting when the rain starts today!) Modelling today? I'm not sure I will be, as I find it difficult with others in the box. I have, mind you, brought in some of my MRC carriage drawing scans of MR clerestory round panelled Bain coaches to see what I can bash out of Ratio sides. I'll most likely spend most of the rest of the day trying to find out what the 'lad' knows and trying to persawde him to try up in the afternoons for the rest of the week! I'm glad to see that I'm in the company of others who like a good statistic! Being a fustrated scientist/engineer I do find I love counting up wierd things! Here's wishing a happy new year to all the Lunesters out there! Andy G Can anyone help me with a 24mm wheelbase loco bogie with pickups please? (Just telling me what has one fitted is all I want, so I can order one as a spare! It's a nice easy job for the day for someone!)
  18. That's why we like it Jeff. Coaching stock is more fascinating than locos! I can send you some coaching stock scans if you wish..... ;-} Andy g
  19. And as the Dapol coaches are available as kits you could do them yourself even cheaper! I'm sure that for £20 you could get your 3car set! Jeff - there is a whole new world of kit building rolling stock awaiting you.... (unless you contract it out to some of the suckers on here! ) Given up modelling to day, seem to have lost direction, and am waiting for paint to dry so that I can complete the sleeper.... Back to the book (As referenced above)... Andy G
  20. I would have thought that a lump of loco coal hitting the plate glass window would be the reason, but does make you wonder why they built so many, and then locked them OOO... Andy G
  21. Jeff, Coaching stock is an interesting one for the S&C at your date! I can laydown any acuracy to the dates involoved but from the book that I am currebntly reading (The Midland Railway North of Leeds by PE Baughan, get a copy very good info on the S&C) from the plates in the middle I can see: 1954: Bradford FS to Hawes had 2-62T 41206 with 3 car set made up looking like brake 3rd (LMS P1 non gangwayed), LMS P1 toilet compo non gangwayed (did they have toileted compos?) and a P3 stanier brake 3rd non gangway. 1963: Jubliee 45705 Seahorse with 0805 to Hellifield from Carlisle has a Gresley Brake at the head. Can't see much detail of these to tell what class it is, but it has at least 4 big windows on the corridor side (two with top vents). I would get some P3 staniers, some portholes, some Mk1's some gresleys, some P1 and P2 Lms stock and some LNWR/MR coaches. Search the titlerweb for photos of the period and send links to Larry or me and i'm sure we can get a good list for you! Update: MR Compo brake now has two full sides, just need to fill etc, and sort the modified ends out (modified to take gangways), do underframe, roof etc. Should be done by Christmas 2013! Andy g
  22. Not gone AWOL with the bugs, just been to France for Christmas with the inlaws. Got some nice MR clayton and bain bogies for the stock I'm bashing. With nice food (was treated to a visit to an almost Michelin starred resturant for Xmas eve!) and good company it was nice. Now back at work... 12hrs today and tomorrow! Got some old gold painted on some clear sheet for the sleeper, and will hopefully finish the side on my Clayton brake compo today. That portal is comming on nicely Jeff, just need to raise the two ends of the slope to allow the top coper to stand talled and above the slope down bit.... Now serious question here, as i know lots of you lot have lots of locos.... Does Hornby do a loco with a leading (or trailing) bogie with a 6foot wheelbase (24mm) with pick-ups on it? The M7 is a little long (about 28-30mm) and i need one for loco project. Andy G
  23. Well that's stuffed it, I now can't get my head through the door! Hope everyone reading this has a decent Chrimble, and heres to a Great modelling 2013! Andy G (Here till about 5am, so still some time to annoy you all!)
  24. Jeff, having just studied your portal photo again, the top parapit wall of the original has quite a curve over the top of the arch, whereas yours is flat. Maybe when you add the stonework you could make the top centre of the parapit wall about 3-4mm taller, with a curve down to the sides? Sorry If I'm being pickky again, feel free to use rule 1 (or as we say on the railway a Form 1 (discaplinary form!)) Andy G
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