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Posts posted by bearing

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your comments


    The turreted bridge which is nearest to MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) is the Castlefield Viaduct Bridge - 1894 (Trial build is shown in My Gallery), the one which I am currently building is immediately behind and alongside, which also has turrets this one being the Cornbrook Viaduct Bridge #2 - 1877. The #1 bridge, which is also behind the Castlefield Viaduct does not have turrets




    Ahh, right. I was mesmerised by a lot of the bridges around that area, they certainly wanted to show Manchester off to the World with the wonderfully intricate designs of something as normal as a bridge.


    Driven past a lot of it when I worked just off Eccles New Road, but never really noticed much of it. It was nice to walk and take the time to notice.

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