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Posts posted by roy-c

  1. I have done a lot of searching but have yet to find a similar situation. I am a model railway newbie so please be patient ...


    The unit ran very well (I bought it because it is supposed to be a good runner) but then slowed down to a crawl (about 5-10% of the expected speed). Can even stop altogether


    I bought a Trix wheel cleaner to see if this was the problem - but no improvement. It is being used on new Peco Set Track bought within the last 3 months or so. Occurs with either a Bachmann Train Set Controller or a Gaugemaster Combi


    I took it to a local train shop - test track with Gaugemaster Combi. Ran perfectly


    Brought it home. With Gaugemaster Combi. Worked perfectly for perhaps 5-10 minutes. Then dropped back to previous slow performance and it has remained there ever since


    Any ideas?


    Thank you in advance

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