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Posts posted by serron

  1. Good morning CaptainBiggles. If you have the Brassmasters "hall" then it will be from the Martin Finney stable, unless they slipped another one in before taking on Mr. Finney's products. These 4mm kits do, as far as I am aware, have built in chassis compensation on the three legged stool principal and it works perfectly well giving the correct ride height. The late John Hayes did an excellent step by step build article in MRJ issue 55 on the building of this kit and obtaining a copy/photocopy would be an advantage. Finney kits go together extremely well and I found John Hayes articles on building the Finney A3 invaluable. finishing up doing another one for the sheer pleasure of it!  As for wheels for these kits "garethashenden" is spot on recommending the Ultrascale wheels as first choice and the wait is worth it. Albeit at 8 months. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with AGW wheels but I find they do need a little more work in the crankpin area. Regards. Serron.         

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