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    Model Railways, Climbing, Cricket and philosophy

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  1. You are a philosophy graduate. Do you know if anyone has seriously written about the philosophy of modelling (either in general or specifically about railways) ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BachelorBoy
    3. Magstheviking


      Oh wow, can't believe there was actually a thesis about it! That's quite incredible and definitely warrants a read. I haven't really done a massive amount of digging personally, as I was focused primarily on ethics which doesn't seem as applicable (though some manufacturer's actions of late may prove otherwise). The idea of being a creator of a 'perfect' world is certainly something which would warrant examination as a vent for those with a god complex but who knows. 

    4. BachelorBoy


      A psychiatrist I know said some people build model railways to create something they control in an uncertain world.


      It think that might include me :-)

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