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    woodhead,sheffield,woodhead,diesels,woodhead,fast cars, did I say woodhead?

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  1. Sheffield council tenants change of conditions have come through, what a bunch of idiots. Nowhere do they mention how to pay cash for your rent, they want it direct debit. Quick google shows the law says "as long as you have tried to pay with legal tender, you cannot be sued for monies owed". Chas is legal tender, so if they stop taking cash, doesn't that make them trying to have direct debit only illegal?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metr0Land


      A lot of councils have closed their cash desks but do give the option to go to a local PayPoint eg shops/garages/PO etc

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      They do not like cash, because it is one thing they do not have control over. That's why I use it as much as possible. Just to p*** the Banksters off.

    4. cpman46


      Chas is legal tender? New one on me!

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