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Posts posted by philden

  1. I have received comprehensive helpful info from Shaun Bradshaw at Bachmann. I had managed to miss that the previous answer was about sound chips, I was interested in interoperability of the silent DCC decoders. So here is the info for both:


    DCC sound:

    There were CV setting differences on the decoders between the 2019 and 2021 Sound Fitted models. As a result, you can only use a decoder from a Sound Fitted 2019 model in a 2021 model if you were to change the settings on the decoder.


    You would first need to ensure that the following CVs are set to these values:

    CV 31 to a value of 16

    CV 32 to a value of 0


    After those CVs have been successfully changed, there are 4 further CVs that would also need to be set:

    CV 362 to a value of 14

    CV 366 to a value of 14

    CV 367 to a value of 22

    CV 368 to a value of 47


    Those CV changes should allow the decoder from the 2019 Sound Fitted model to be used in a 2021 model.

    If the decoder is ever reset, the CVs would revert to their default 2019 values so you would then need to update them to these values again.


    DCC silent:

    There is a decoder specifically made for the 2021 Class 90 models, which is decoder 36-569A. However, 36-569 (without the A) can still be used if the following CVs are changed:

    CV 162 to a value of 98

    CV 163 to a value of 185

    CV 165 to a value of 8


    If the decoder 36-569 is reset then the CV values will go back to the default values for the 2019 version, so they will need to be changed again to these values.

    • Informative/Useful 4
  2. On 02/02/2023 at 21:46, pH said:

    Since you’re in North America, I would suggest looking at these:




    They work with DC; I don’t know about DCC.


    (Available for less than the direct-from-Bachmann price on EBay.)

    I'm also in the USA and bought these, they work well. Note that there are two versions, with and without roller bearings. The ones without are for supporting non-driving wheels.

  3. My Tulyar (from Locomotion) arrived in Calfornia a couple of days ago, and I just had time for a quick test. It really is a beautiful model, very smooth on DC. Some loose black bits which look like fuel tank attachments, and one broken headcode bracket. The part is present, so that is fixable. All chains present, one detached from the body, and one trapped above the bogie, the heads-up to look for the latter was very helpful. I'm very happy with it, and quite a bargain really.

    • Like 1
  4. Has anyone tried the Ree Modeles magnetic couplings? These have two magnets per coupling and so are not 'handed'. They do conductive versions too.


    I haven't been able to find them on the REE website, but here are a couple of versions for sale in the US:




    No connection to me, but they look interesting. Someone posted about them on the Hornby forum (I think) a while ago.



  5. Another interesting development in the USA is the new Bachmann HO ACS-64 electric locomotive:



    This is only available with DCC sound. List price is $359, but I bought one for $199. Several on-line stores have them for around that price. It is a joint development with TCS who provide the sound - https://tcsdcc.com/node/1723


    I have no connection with the makers, but it is a nice model. I suspect that modelers of passenger railways are a minority in the USA, so this might be an effort to streamline the options. At the discounted price it is certainly a good deal.



  6. There are a couple on Ebay at the moment: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Hornby-Intercity-125-Coaches/142694827739?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649




    Not mine, I should add, and not clear exactly which coaches, although it won't matter if they are your first. Finding 5 x R4441 will be difficult, they sold out before the rest as the same number of each were made.

  7. I have a thought about the interior lighting. As the purpose, at least of the end section of the coach, is to observe and inspect the track, would the lights be turned on? Does this coach really need separate switchable lighting sections?


    Possibly overkill, and the example posted here does look very nice!



  8. You guys are lucky here in the US we are just basically ignored , no letter nothing . To get mine fixed they ( Hornby ) offered to send me the bits to do it myself ??? I will be contacting them again shortly


    I'm in the US and have received the letter discussed above offering the replacements as an alternative to waiting. I will wait until August for the repaired version to be available. I also received the earlier letter apologising for the delays.



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