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scots region

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scots region last won the day on September 16 2011

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  • Location
    A Grand old Coil
  • Interests
    The "Scottish" ECML of course and the Western region usually, 1945-1980 for the first, 1930-1964 for the second. Authorship and sailing are the next top dogs, even though I do little of the first and vitually none of the second. Explorarion; come on world HIT ME. History, of the Railways... and general things. Dogs, have been in love with them since day one. Cats, in particular our two Mack and Tosh, and DIY; in particular a shed that has been the bane of my career as a Railway Modeller for the last seven years.

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  1. Dreaming of a real live CVA 01

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      V Large flat-top carrier, replaced by CVF Queen Elizabeth.

    3. halfwit
    4. scots region

      scots region

      CVA 01 was a 1960s proposal from the Royal Navy for a class of 2-5 35'000 ton Aircraft carriers, they were cancelled in 1966, but if like me you suffer from an adiction to Alternative History there a nice talking point. Much like the TSR-2 there cancelation is still contoroversial as it forced the RN to make do with two very old Majestic class carries and later three small Invincibles. in refelection the idea of a Nimitz stlye fleet of UK carries is a nice idea if you write fiction, but s...

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