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Posts posted by rander25

  1. Us Cumbrian railwaymen


    Honorary Cumbrian only old bean! wink.gif You're not lucky enough to count as an official marrow yet!


    I like the new halt though - aren't station lamps a bit too First World for a little shack like that? I'd have thought a bench would have been a bit overkill in that part of the world. biggrin.gif

  2. Have just sacked Draughtsman Matchstalk (and his Cats and Dogs) and am setting to work at rerouting the Ardlui to Loch Fyne Head section. The alternative had been to tunnel from Ardlui to Loch Sloy but the tunnel borers ran out of sausage and bean pies so a new route had to be arranged.


    Here we are...




    Working on the Campbeltown extension now. Where's the junction off the main? Only feasible location seems to be Inverneill and then send it down the east coast of the peninsula to Tarbert.

    • Like 1
  3. Good choice with the gorse - reminds me of blasting south from Workington North with a good 47 on, the noise echoing off the warehouses and temporary Tesco on the left, before the embankment covered in gorse and the bridge to the docks. Ah, nostalgia. (if it's two weeks ago, can it be nostalgic?)


    Now where did I put those biscuits? You know, the ones with the blue wrappers...

  4. Now then,


    I am I alone in spending more time doing diagramshuh.gif for the locos and stock rather than modelling? Think I may be missing the point when it comes to this model railway thingmellow.gif .


    Does everybody else spend more time doing scenery etc etc.






    No, you're not alone Herr Clag. laugh.gif


    It's coming along very nicely - got a bit too excited by the shot of the 7 37/4s and needed mansized kleenex and a pack of Jaffa Cakes to calm me down. Might have to invest in one for my own layout...



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