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Posts posted by valeofyork

  1. Hi Gang,

    Today I have asked Railtec if possible to do a white print of the Scotrail transfers sheet to allow easy renumbering of the Mxxxxx stock - now in hand. Now we hold our collective breaths for all of 2014 for the 47/7 and DBSO  from Farish . CJM do a v nice one if not willing to wait by the way!



    CJM does various very nice locos - but they come with a very large price tag attached! Not saying that they aren't worth it, but you've really got to want one to pay the amount they cost!


    As far as the condoms are concerned, don't all rush at once either....


    You have to wonder - who would buy their flexible friends from some small-time private seller on ebay?

    • Like 1
  3. Just come to think of it. Either last month or earlier this month, I saw a FGW green with gold lettering class 47 832 sold by Rails, and before I knew it, sold. I understand the high demand, but never knew that high. And it was at a reasonable price at that. Well there are railway exhibitions to grab a bargain compared to this very high prices. 


    Most of the earlier FGW liveries don't sell for particularly high amounts. The one exception to this is HSTs in fag-packet livery, which sell on ebay for a fair amount (although not anywhere near as high as the current-livery Hornby models). I understand that these are rare because only Lima ever produced them, and they went bust part-way through the production so not many were actually made. After Hornby had acquired the Lima toolings, they made a TGS (only) in this livery, which they said was due to customer demand. I really cannot see how this can be possible (they were available new for ages, so clearly not high demand!) - it seems much more likely that what people actually wanted was a Merlin livery TGS to go with their Hornby Merlin-livery HSTs (which had the scale-length coaches, but at the time they were made Hornby didn't have tooling for a TGS) and Hornby somehow misunderstood.


    I did wonder whether Hornby would produce fag-packet livery this year, but they have gone for the original MML livery instead - a rather strange choice as both Lima and Hornby have previously produced it, and the the models of the current EMT livery didn't appear to sell particularly well - they were discounted at a number of sellers for quite a while. I guess this is because the MML is more or less a single route, and a relatively short one, so there was much less demand than for the FGW sets, plus of course the HST fleet is much smaller than that of FGW.

  4. Basically supply and demand, or economics according to T P Barnum depending on your viewpoint.


    The livery is quite difficult to reproduce en masse and at good quality*   The real livery has been around for some time, so more modellers want to do it.  Hornby made equal numbers of first and standard coaches in the original runs meaning there were too few of some and not enough of others.  I believe the Bachmann 166 wasn't a great seller when it first appeared so numbers of these aren't great either.


    *ie you can't easily find someone good at resprays and get them to do it.  BTW as I understand it Bachmann have declared the TPE version of this livery all but impossible as the shading goes from dark at the bottom to light at the top, in addition to all the other complications of the livery.


    Also worth bearing in mind that FGW has around half of the total number of HSTs, and they cover a pretty wide area (London to the far south west, Bristol, South Wales, Cheltenham and Hereford) so there is bound to be far more demand for them than, say, the Grand Central livery (3 sets, all of which work on one route), or Crosscountry (five sets, which normally work one route, albeit a long one). Therefore an FGW HST (or several of them) is going to be pretty essential for anyone modelling a contemporary mainline location on many of their routes

  5. Not only that, but it's listed as unopened, yet there's a photo of it on a piece of track - so either the listing is wrong or the pic is of another model...


    You have to hope that the same doesn't apply to the condoms he's got advertised! :O


    That seller's featured on here before with his overpriced Lima 60s and 67 (still available - don't all rush at once) - he seems to be trying to sell an unusual combination of (mostly overpriced) model railway items, and various different types of Durex condom. Some of his 'very very rare' wagons are so rare that he has several the same!

    • Like 1
  7. I got my Blue/Grey & Intercity Exec HST buffets yesterday. The Blue/Grey one needs the roof painting black and the gangway ends painting white, to match the rest of the set. The Intercity one needs the '1's removing and a cantrail stripe adding.


    So all in all not too onerous.


    Maybe it's not too onerous - but it's still unnecessary. If Dapol don't have anyone who knows about the liveries, why don't they join a group such as this or the BR Coaching Stock Yahoo group and post the livery designs before signing them off? I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to advise them of anything needing correcting - and it would be in the interests of both the buyers, who would have correct models, and Dapol who wouldn't lose sales due to mistakes, or end up having to withdraw most of a batch as appears to have happened with the loco-hauled coaches with 'InterCity 125' branding.

  8. Dapol have stated they are using the RFM bodyshell for all their Mk3 catering vehicles, as the cost of tooling the numerous different variations is prohibitive.


    Yes, but there was absolutely no need to use this number - if they wanted to produce a Mk3a RFM in blue and grey they could have chosen a number which matched their model (e.g. 10202 or 10246). With the Pretendolino and WSMR liveries they had no choice as none of the real ones matches their model so it had be incorrect for the reasons you state, but in the case of the blue and grey there is no good reason!

  9. Is rest-buffet 40407 in exec livery nc216f carrying the wrong "1" in white on the upper body or should it even have a 1 anywhere on it?

    The band above the windows suggests its unclassified......


    404xx buffets are TRSBs, which have standard-class seating so there shouldn't be a '1' anywhere on them.

  10. Dapol don't seem to have researched very well again - RFM 10229 is an ex-FO so has full-height windows along the corridor side. Their model doesn't have this adn would have been far more accurate for either ex-HST TRUKs or ex-RFBs. None of the RFMs carried blue and grey followng conversion (too late a date) so in this livery it would need to be one which was repainted by Cargo-D or DB. 10202 or 10246 would have been far better choices.

  11. Not entirely madness, but after a fair while sitting in bargain bins, the Heljan Class 58s now seem to be going for good money!


    Still got a way to go to catch up with FGW HSTs, though! (or 67026s)

    • Like 1
  12. DRS stuff commands some scary prices on ebay......




    and it's not even the seller that professes RTR repaints as "kit built".......


    The 'kit built' seller has a couple of locos in DRS livery which have been on ebay for many months. One of them I'd quite like, but not at the price he's trying to charge!

  13. Then again - it's in Rail, so it must be correct.......... :banghead:


    Yes, that's why I made sure I quoted the source!


    Don't usually buy it but this edition had an article on the rebuilding of 73s with new engines which I was interested in.

  14. The loco-hauled Intercity 125 stock had me stumped though... Can anyone confirm this livery was applied to L/H stock?


    It's a mistake - the loco-hauled stock just said InterCity on it. Rails are selling those Mk3s off cheap, and many other retailers (such as Hattons) pulled them shortly after they were released - presumably they returned them to Dapol.

  15. Thank you for the information.


    I understand rumour is not always reality but I have heard recently that 832 is due an exam soon and could be taken out of traffic permanently like 802. This would mean their would no longer be a pair of Northern Belle locos.


    Yes I thought it would be.


    Thank you.


    Nothing to stop them painting another 47 in NB livery though, is there!

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