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Posts posted by DMR

  1. 51 minutes ago, WIMorrison said:

    The z21 Start does not have network access therefore needs an unlock code to give access to using the Z21 app on your phone, or automation through a computer interface


    Yeah, I can get a z21 with an unlock code for less then half the price of a Z21.

  2. I have seen the comparison at https://www.z21.eu/en/z21-system/the-models but i would like to know more about just what I would be giving up going with the white z21 over the black Z21.


    My layout is a 10ft long HO switching layout.  I dont think I have a need for railcom but I am still learning about it.


    From what I have seen the differences appear to be:

    -not able to set track voltage (unless you change the power supply).  Is this actually a issue on a HO layout?

    -I dont think I have a need for loconet as the throttles im looking at work on xpressbus

    -It appears the white z21 does still do railcom? just it cant be combined with a railcom detector like the roco 10808 because of no canbus?

    -No Programming track. I dont plan on buying a lot of loco's or doing a lot of programming so I dont think this should be that big of a deal?


    I have thought it would be neat on my layout to run trains while I am working by automating it to run to the end, stop, then return, and repeat.  From what I have seen I should be able to do this with a DR4088RB connected to isolated track blocks on either end (along with software), am I correct?


    So, I was hoping someone could tell me if theres anything I would be giving up by going with the cheaper white z21? I would also buy the network unlock code


  3. On 01/09/2021 at 06:45, WIMorrison said:

    I can make no definitive comment on the reliability of the DR5000, suffice to say that myself and a few others found it inconsistent in performance and reverted to the Roco Z21. The firmware has been updated since I used it as they resolved the court case and settled with the designer which enabled the issue some recent updates - however they did manage to break a few items in the updates which are also being looked at.


    This link shows you the current status of known issues Digikeijs 1st generation roadmap You will see that there several 'bugs' to be sorted, and more keep appearing.


    I would point out a major issue with the hardware, which is that it only supports one protocol on the network, which includes the Wi-Fi. This means that if you set the Wi-Fi to Z21 Protocol (which is required for Roco Wi-Fi Multimaus) then you also need to use that protocol on the LAN. You cannot use Z21 on the Wi-Fi and LocoNet TCP/IP on the LAN and Wi-Fi at the same time. If you use USB to connect to your computer then this will not be an issue, but it is if you want to use LAN.


    I would think carefully before jumping in, especially as this is the most important purchase you will be making to control an expensive fleet of locos and other items.


    WIMorrison &  melmerby   

    Can you give some more info on the issues you had?  In searching online it seems like a lot of the issues where related to train automation (itrain etc),  and also there was a lot of user error with the protocols, and then 1 or 2 that the units needed to be replaced.  


    I have found a source for a white z21 that is likely enough for my layout, but once i add the network unlock the price is more then a zephyr..

  4. 3 hours ago, Erixtar1992 said:

    I have this exact setup.


    Digitrax LNWI

    TCS UWT-100


    cant fault it, its excellent, i have never regretted it once. 
    UWT-100 is easly the nicest to use handset on the market.


    yes JMRI would allow you to name the functions (you cant otherwise) but i didnt want to rely on a laptop to be able to use my layout. I simply turn on and go.


    i reviewed the handset on youtube if you search for it




    Actually I have seen your video, this is great as i can ask you some direct questions LOL


    When you say you can't name the functions, I assume you mean custom naming or renaming?  I ask because in this video 

     at time 18:35 the person is changing button functions to what looks like pre defined options that have names.  I noticed in your video that yours just showed the function number (f20 etc).  Is that because those functions didnt have a predefined common function?


    Another question, your custom button programming. What happens when you change locomotives or power cycle the remote? Does it retain the programming or reset back to the factory button settings?


    Thanks again for posting!

  5. 3 hours ago, Nigelcliffe said:


    Hence why I suggested a Raspberry PI rather than a LNWI.   The PI is small and probably costs less than the LNWI.  The PI runs JMRI.  The PI can act as the WiFi access point (like the LNWI).  The PI doesn't need a screen, keyboard or mouse.   There is a single download for the PI with everything for JMRI pre-configured; download the file and put it on a SD card, put SD card in PI, turn on PI.  That's it done.   You can control the PI using "remote desktop" on a Windows10 laptop (and something equivalent on a Mac laptop).  


    You'll get more info on what the TCS throttle actually does on some US forums running on Groups.IO.   They're more likely to have used one.  



    I am familiar with pi's as i have a zero running pi-hole.  Just wasnt really looking to have one on the layout.   I do like the idea of the roster being available though instead of typing in the loco number..  Small things though lol.


    Is it a problem if the PI & JMRI gets its power cut instead of using a shutdown command?  Would prefer to just flip a switch on/off ;).


    Looking at pricing, once you add in the power supply, case, memory card etc its really about the same price as a LNWI.  But I could access JMRI wirelessly from a laptop then instead of hooking up a usb cable..  Again small things as programming loco's is not something that will happen very often.


    It seems like if im going to use a UWT-100 i just need to find the cheapest and most reliable dcc box i can find. hahaha  Which the zephyr sounds like the way to go, and the built in throttle would be ok for debugging.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Nigelcliffe said:

    You'll need to do your own assessment of features on throttles.   
    Broadly, using the LNWI means anything about a loco has to be carried in the throttle (eg. function key types, locomotive descriptions etc..).  Whereas using a computer running JMRI gives control of those features centrally (and you say you plan to connect JMRI anyway...).   Can't say how much of those features the TCS throttle makes use of. 



    Thanks!  Just trying to understand what i would be giving up by going with a LNWI..  My understanding of the TCS throttle is it can get button functions and loco info from a jmri roster..  I'm having a tough time figuring out what happens if it doesn't though. the manual is not totally clear on that.


    Regarding running Jmri my intention was to only run it on a laptop when needed to program a loco, otherwise it wouldn't be used.


    If i go with a zephyr and UWT-100 i would likely never use the built in throttle on the zephyr, unless for testing.

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments and sharing your experience with it.  


    A bit more info for context.  I am a new modeler (but had a layout as a kid), the layout is a small 9ft long (~3 Meters) HO switching shelf that really doesn't need a lot to run.  I only expect to have maybe 3 loco's with only 1 operating at a time (maybe 2 in a consist).  Turnouts will be manually switched, and being a short shelf i dont see any need for block detection etc etc, or computer control.  Unless im missing something here..


    Nigelcliffe,  Can you provide more info on what features I would be giving up by using a LNWI?  Based on my needs I'm not sure if I would really need any of them,  and the LNWI does seem simpler then relying on another computer.


    The thought of a run away train is concerning as with the size of my layout it would mean either running into the backdrop/building or off the layout! lol.


    I'm really leaning strongly to the zephyr, it would still give me the option to use jmri for decoder programming.  The other option is to use a NCE powercab which is likely more then enough for my layout (and a lot cheaper then also buying a uwt-100) but it really seems like out dated tech that it bothers me spending money on.  I would need to buy the USB adapter to run jmri.  Also it seems strange to still be needing a cord in the year 2021..  I know some people will disagree with that..



  8. Hello,


    I was wondering if anyone that has used the digikeijs dr5000 can comment on its reliability? 


    I am trying to decide on a command station for a new layout (small shelf layout) and was thinking about getting a UWT-100 for the throttle (along with a digitrax LNWI).  The 2 command stations that make the most sense to me is either a zephyr or a dr5000.  The networking ability of the dr5000 sounds good but I dont want to sacrifice reliability as I have read some not so great things about that.  The zephyr seems like a more bullet proof system.

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