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Question about ESU Allegra Sound Files


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The Loksound 5 programmed with the Allegra sound file and a pair of 23mm speakers arrived today and after installation they sound wonderful. 


However, the traction motors don't seem to sound very smooth while operating, though everything else sounds great.


I had them program the S0340 sound file, but after the fact I noticed a footnote for this file being for the LGB G scale Allegra model due to using SUSI. I'm not familiar at all with that protocol, but the factory sound file that I didn't realize was available says nothing about SUSI. This is the factory sound file used by Bemo.   The S0340 sound file is the one used for (but not exclusively) for the LGB. The factory sound file has a different five digit numeric only number that I don't recall at the moment. I'm sorry if that last paragraph was confusing. It was late here when I wrote it after work.


I'm wondering if the difference in these sound files is causing the irratic traction motor sound in the Bemo Allegra model and has anyone else experienced this?


From more experienced modelers, in your opinions would this LGB specific sound file possibly cause the traction motor sound I'm experiencing with this file because of SUSI? Everything in the sound file sounds wonderful except for the traction motors.

Edited by MichaelE
Incorrect and confusing information
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I examined both sound projects in the Lokprogrammer software and I saw no difference in settings other than a couple of function assignment locations were different. 


I listened to the electric motor sounds and those were slightly different as was the startup sequence. The Bemo factory sound project had a better operating sound so I loaded that one up. It sounds somewhat better, but the slight irregularity in the smoothness of the traction motor sound is still there. I think that may be a consequence of the recording and nothing more.


When I converted the factory sound project from Loksound 4.0 to Loksound 5.0 I lost my random sound slots that included the braking sounds. I will have to manually add this back in with instructions provided by ESU on their web site.

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