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Getting Cross and Other Tales of Indiscriminate Destruction

Tony Simms


I think (and hope) that the worst of the winter weather is behind us. The garage having recently been relieved of workshop duties, following a batch of home improvements, the layout is once again reassembled therein.


I'd been following Pete Matcham's progress on Moorswater with interest, especially his recent travails with inlaid trackwork; Brafferton requires a small amount of trackwork to be sunk into hardcore/yard muck. Having successfully used lightweight patching filler elsewhere, I have used this to subsume the track. This product was mentioned in another member's comment on Pete's post and I have to say it is extremely easy to work with and versatile.


The yard to the outside of the rails has already been laid, hardened, and some experimentation on colouring has been undertaked. Now I have filled between the rails. The outer is just below rail height, the inner flush with rails. Once hardened, the inner will be persuaded to give runnable tracks:





Colouring experimentation has also been happening in the coal drop yard:










The station area continues to receive (much needed) attention. Once over the yard crossing, the track proceeds to a small unloading platform. Initial plastering in this area was with Polyfilla; very heavy and useless for working with. I'd also rather botched various heights for the landscape; full removal was the only option.


A base was inserted for the platform:




The platform is a very simple card box with brickpaper sides and plasticard surface:




Once glued in, the profile could be reapplied. Correctly this time:




A small length of track is required to finish the siding before ballasting and further scenic work takes place:




Just to the right of this is the main platform and cattle dock which will require similar treatment...


Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

That seems fairly tame compared to others nice result though.


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That seems fairly tame compared to others...


Yeah! Thankfully, I'm not ripping up track like Pete and Missy. blink.gif




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  • RMweb Gold

not ripping up track like Pete and Missy.


its 'all the rage' at the moment in 2FS :lol:


Looking good Tony - thanks for the mention - looks like it was considerably less painful for you...but I'm back on the dry stuff for my second attempt...

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...but I'm back on the dry stuff for my second attempt...


What, off the beer? biggrin.gif


Seriously, give the filler a try. I'd expect it should be fairly easy to get hold of even in such far flung places as Spain. I'll try and carve the flangeways today and post back on the same.






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  • RMweb Gold

Tony - Only just noticed this...saw your great results and thought I would have a reminder of how you did it.


I will stay on card / plasticard though as I am going down the checkrail route now...perhaps a little filler in places.


Great work on the layout Tony - its gonna be a classic when you finish - I hope to get to see it again sometime...

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