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At last, servos and wiring...

Over a year without posting anything!  Disgraceful - dunce's cap firmly on.   Despite the pandemic, lock-downs and other distractions, things haven't developed very much recently.  The first lock-down was taken up with long summer walks and home-based IT work for a local charity.  By mid-summer it was much too hot to work for long in the loft - 30degC plus some days.  Then suddenly it was cold again!   Work restarted before Christmas (2020!) looking at the design of servo poi

Platform 1

Platform 1 in Electrics

Make a DC Controller: Part 2

The amended objective was to produce a simpler, no-frills DC controller that would meet the original 'anytime anywhere' requirement, working with either a battery, AC or DC power.   Circuit Design Starting with the emf-sensing feedback circuit used in Part 1, I removed the integrator and schmitt trigger U1 leaving just U1b as a simple non-inverting amplifier. The output driver Q1 - a cheaper and more easily obtainable BD243C - is included in the gain loop to ensure good output vol

Platform 1

Platform 1 in Electrics

Make a DC Controller: Part 1

Circuit Design   As described in "A Test Track in N - 4: electrics" I started with an emf-sensing feedback design by Jonathan Scott (www.scottpages.net/UniversalTrainController.html second circuit from top). It was intended that the controller would be powered from AC, DC or battery to enable my N test track to be used 'anytime anywhere'.   Construction   I made a few small changes to Mr Scott's original circuit: C3 to 3uF to reduce inertia on a small layout

Platform 1

Platform 1 in Electrics

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