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Wagon & Carriage Works Class 25

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Some good progress this weekend. I decided to leave the bogies for a while and do a bit more on the body. The first job was to put in the other piece of brass angle that runs inside the body, just above solebar level. This was a replacement for the original, which got distorted. It went in quite well, although about 2mm too short. I then turned to the cab doors. These are flat, and have to have the top and bottom folded over, and the bodyside also has to be folded over to create the re


rodent279 in Progress


So I've made a bit of neutral progress this evening. A step forwards in that I fixed the gear wheel on the 2nd bogie in place, after shaving a bit off the Delrin sprocket so that the brass gear wheel would sit centrally in line with the motor shaft. I also fitted the chain, then removed it & took a link out as it was too slack. After about half an hour fiddling, I finally got it back on, & it's nice & tight. Does anyone have an easy method of connecting Delrin chain? But there w


rodent279 in Progress

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