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Generals notes and updtaes about the scale speed tool I've put together.

Entries in this blog

Been a while

It's been quite a while (over 5 years) since I did anything with my scalespeed tool, but recently noticed it was getting a few visitors to it so thought it was worth speeding a little bit of time doing a few minor tweaks. Nothing much, just added a little indication that it was running and a couple of other little bits.    http://www.entwinesolutions.co.uk/scalespeed/  



The detail level is now optional

I've added a few minor tweaks to my scalespeed tool, nothing major just a few tweaks, the main one is a choice over how much detail to show for each run. On smaller screens like mobiles only the final mph is shown when the the page loads (you can see the effect if you shrink your browser on desktops or laptops). There is also a control button that allows you to switch between the two options, so if you are on a mobile you can still choose to see all the information for each run, or hide the extr



Display tweaks

The latest updates don't add any new features, just tweak the layout a bit.   Firstly an issue with the tool not displaying on mobiles properly has been corrected, along with a issue with the results in the table taking being too long, again on mobiles. Additionally I've re-jigged the layout so the results table now sits along side the individual run result on desktops.   The two screenshots show the different way the tool lays out the page, firstly on a desktop:   The second on a mobile



Warnings are now optional

First things first, I've updated the information about this blog as I've just been using it to provide updates about the tool I've developed, it makes sense to keep it just for that. Secondly, I've updated the tool to allow warning pop ups to be turned off or on. By default they're on, this means if you choose to delete either the whole table or an individual result, you'll get a warning pop up. This is especially useful on tablets, for example, where it's very easy to catch a delete button whil



Minor updates to my scale speed tool

I've made some small changes to my scale speed tool. Along with a couple of minor tweaks, the main addition is the ability to remove individual results from the table. This now means if you accidentally record a rogue result, it can be removed but leave the rest. Prior to this the only option to deal with a recorded result was delete the whole table.   http://www.entwinesolutions.co.uk/scalespeed/   As always, I hope people find it useful now and again.



scalespeed update 2

Added another button to my speed calculator today. In this case it is a simple button to clear the table of results. The same could (and still can) be accomplished by just refreshing the page, but this is just neater.   http://www.entwinesolutions.co.uk/scalespeed



Updates to scale speed calculator

I've added some more features to the little scale speed calculator I've knocked together. It now calculates the average time and speed for all the runs combined, and to stop erroneous runs being recorded there's a cancel button that can be used after a run has been started.   http://www.entwinesolutions.co.uk/scalespeed   One tip I should pass on is that after you've clicked on the start button for the first time you can just use the enter key to start and stop runs. This will continue until



Scale speed calculator

I've spent a couple of hours over the last day or so making myself a little tool to check scale speeds. It's nothing new, but I thought it might be handy (It's always nice when you can get something to work as you want). It's web based so I thought I'd make it public just in case anyone else found it useful (assuming my maths is right of cause!). It can be found here:   http://www.entwinesolutions.co.uk/scalespeed   It's a simple little thing;   - measure the distance and enter it (300mm i



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