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Not sure if I have posted this in the correct place but I have recently just set up new baseboards for a new layout. However I haven’t been able to find a track plan I have been happy with. I have not yet decided on which period I would like to model yet as a plan to purchase  the locomotives and rolling stock once I have decided. Most of my current rolling stock are mk2 br blue coaches which are quite old but are still capable to run on both code 100 and code 75 track and may look ok if weathered. Some Locomotives I currently own are older triang br blue locomotives with a few newer Bachman locomotives in br green and coal sector. I plan to do the layout in dcc so I am not sure if the older locomotives can be changed over to dcc or if it’s worth changing them. (The Bachmann locomotives I own are already dcc fitted)  I have attached an image bellow of the dimensions of the layout my initial plan was to have a 4ft radius curve and a station of some sort on the strait section however I haven’t been able to find any sort of track plan that I have been happy with.

some things I want to be included is

at least half of the 4ft radius curve

station that can hold or looks as if it holds 5-7 coaches
most of the points being large or medium radius


ideas that could be included 

locomotive shed

sidings (in use or disused)


Any other ideas are appreciated 


Not sure if anybody could help and make a track plan or suggest any ideas. As you may see a more effective way to use the space than me. Also any help on signing would be very helpful.


One last thing as I have both code 75 and code 100 track is the any ways to utilise both? I have quite a few small peco code 100 points that may be useful for a fiddle yard.


Image with layout dimensions below 






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