Some while back as part of the work on the Winchester Railway Modellers Redbridge Wharf layout we decided to add smoke and steam effects to a model of a TID tug. After a bit of research we harked upon cheapo piezo electric mister units as used in humidifiers. These can be obtained in various sizes and with various control boards from all the normal sources.
The unit we settled on was a 16mm disc connected to a control board that takes a 5v input.
This was r
As a member of the Winchester Railway Modellers on occasions I get asked for help or suggestions for other members projects. The most recent came from our chairman who is building an OO gauge GWR layout and wants to build a route indicator box for a signal. Of course as he is a bit of signalling enthusiast and the layout would be controlled via mechanically interlocked lever frame the route indicator would have to work. He sent me a rough sketch with some dimensions based on a standard GWR pa
While I don't have an O gauge layout myself the club I belong to does and there are some folks who are very keen on 7mm. Being my normal cheapskate self the prices of O gauge stock (and everything else) scares the whassanames out of me so I have been lured to the dark side, ebay. Many times!
I have a number of O gauge locos including this rather nice M7...
She was a Tuesday afternoon finisher with a largish, though cheap for an O guage loco, starting bid. I took a punt and put a sn
Never one to run from a challenge I thought it was about time I did some of this blogging lark. Like many I had nothing to do while RMWeb was in transit so I had to resort to modelling! Amongst the many projects in flight at present I have been spending odd moments finishing up the greyhound stadium for my local club's OO layout. Due to the size of it the structure has been bedded on to a sub-baseboard so it can be easily removed from the layout so we can get at other things. Fences have been ad
Had a bit of a change in focus for the last week or so and been tinkering with a building. Actually it's just another excuse for not getting on and sorting out the traverser on Cramdin really! This is a building for the Winchester club OO layout to fill in a rather large gap along the rear of the baseboard. It's on a slightly larger scale than the buildings I've created for Cramdin being about 3 feet long.
The thing is a pretty crude construction of bits of MDF and card with the roof clad in
You know how it happens, sometimes things on Ebay are just too tempting. Well they are to me anyhow! This is another item that was listed to end at an odd time and with probably too high a starting bid so I put in the minimum bid on a snipe and here it is. It's a rather nicely built O guage M7. No idea what kit it was built from but it is very solidly made and quite nicely finished. It's had a knock or two and someone has done an awfully crude repair to the cab roof which has resulted in some ra
Oh no what have I done? Having had great succes in picking up the little 02 kit I placed a bid on another kit on Ebay. All the experienced folks tell you never buy a part built brass kit without inspecting it closely. What did I do? There is certainly no fool like an old fool!
So what I bought at a bargain(?) price was potentially a nice kit. It's a Jinty from Connossieur and a kit that was recommended to me and I was thinking of buying new.
On receiving it I opened the box and thi
As ever I can't help looking for a bargain. Something in me just won't let me buy something at full price. Fortunately I have managed to pick up a little gem of an O gauge kit from Ebay in the last month or so. For some reason hardly anyone placed a bid on it and it went for a song despite retailing for something like ?‚??199! The seller advertised it as a part built kit with one or two items missing and even provided a list of the bits missing. Always up for a challenge I figured I could source
First up let me say I am a sceptic when it comes to sound fitted models. Having said that I did purchase a Baccy 66 from my main supplier, Ebay, sometime last year. Well at 90 notes it would have been rude to let somebody else buy it! Here she is on the kitchen table which I have been known to refer to as my "workbench".
When I first got the thing I found it very interesting though none too spectacular. I had a bunch of issues with the sound resetting and it generally did not sound very