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About this blog

In 2023 members of Horsham Model Railway Club will be starting on a new venture building a 00 layout to finescale standards, not just in track but also in fidelity to prototype. The project aims to be a fusion between modelling a specific railway and a creative approach to using models of real buildings that can be seen in and around Horsham. Inspirations for this layout go back to some classics like John Ahern's Madder Valley (now in Pendon Museum) and Peter Denny's  Buckingham.


The name Chesworth comes from Chesworth House, now a social event and wedding venue just south of Horsham, but once, in an earlier form, the home of Katherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife. Chesworth is thus the name of the fictitious Sussex town that is the focus of the railway.


This blog will share plans and record progress. It is a club layout so anyone local(ish) who is interested in joining this project should contact the club via the club website or Facebook page or contact me through the messaging feature here.

Entries in this blog

The concept behind Chesworth

The concepts behind the Chesworth layout are in two groups. For the club, the raison d'etre is to have a project that any interested member can join to learn, develop or show off their skills. Those skills can lie in baseboard building, track laying, scenery, kit building or even scratch building. All those are required for Chesworth. The club is also embarking on something new in that in its fifteen year existence it has not yet built a 00 finescale layout. For that reason the project is phased


whart57 in Plans and Concept

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