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Oxendale is a OO gauge end to end layout in the Midland region during British Railways in the late 50s/early 60s.


The layout consists of two levels of track: the running line and the freight only line. The first level has a station with a passing loop with a headshunt, 2 sidings and a 3 track fiddle yard. The higher level is a single line for freight traffic only that stretches from one end of the layout to the other. It also has a section of track that spurs off into the fiddle yard. It crosses over the main running line via a bridge.


Rolling stock is mainly Bachmann but there are also items of rolling stock from Hornby, Dapol and Oxford Rail. 


The layout is still under construction but it is fully operational.





Oxendale itself is located on a single track 5 mile branch line which spurs off from the Settle-Carlisle line in-between Dent and Garsdale. Oxendale is located at the end of the branch line. 

Entries in this blog

Installing the Signal.

A while ago, I brought a fully wired up Dapol LMS semaphore home signal from Cropper's Models in Bridlington. It was originally intended for use on a new OO gauge micro layout I was working on. Unfortunately, that never happened and the signal remained in store for a while.    That was until Oxendale was built. I was sorting out some boxes and I came across it again. I thought "that would go well on the layout" and then it hit me: Rather than keep it in store, I'll use it on the layout
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