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Taking a layout to its minimum size, you have heard of pizza layouts and shoe box layouts, this is in the size constraints of a 12" vinyl record... With continuous running. As is that wasn't enough of a challenge the engine will be powered by gravity. 


Narrow gauge, still deciding on 009 or 09. My eyes are not what they were 10 years ago :)


Entries in this blog

Layout Fascia

I decided at the outset that the looks of the baseboard and "railway surrounds" would be neat and tidy, so this week I have done some work on what will be the front view. Given the entire layout will slot into a Kallax aperture, the sides are not quite as important. The face plate is made from strips cut from a piece of old pallet, run through the table saw then the band-saw to create  thin vertical strips. Once glued on, I dressed them together on the disc sander to create a roundish front. At

Movement and track

The final part to get things moving was a connector to fit between the motor flange and the baseboard flange. I turned that from a piece of nylon and added two pegs to create drive. Everything worked well and the turntable rotated freely, powered by a USB lead.     Next was the track laying which took longer than planned, mainly because I was being OCD about having the sleepers aligned to the center point of the turntable. with that done it was time to test the theory!!

Baseboard construction

The layout is being designed to fit into ONE of the apertures of an Ikea Kallax Unit. which governs the size to 334mm square.         Constructed from 18mm MDF for rigidity and most of the work done with a router as there are lots of circles involved!     The top disc is the actual layout baseboard which rotates above the square sub base, Rotation is aided by a microwave plate carrier and powered by a small 5v worm gear motor mounted under the
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